The Plan

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My bare legs drag across solid metal flooring. I manage to lift my head enough to see the faces of my capturers, one was a black male, about six foot eight, and he had long black hair. The other, was a white male, with a small Mohawk hairstyle. These couldn't be the people speaking, one of them was a female. I attempt to resist, but it's futile, I can barely move after leaving that room.
There were people around us three. They were all dressed in grey uniforms, with small red patches that I can't make out, because my eyes haven't adjusted yet. Some were males, others females, a majority of them were white, but there were some black workers too. Most of them had the same, constructed stance, it seemed inhuman, like they were ready to be attacked at any point.
  My whole body felt like it was stressed to hell, and I could barely keep my eyes open. If I was gonna escape, I'd have to wait. I'd have to get my family too. Did they have Takeha? No, they couldn't have, he doesn't stay with us. Where does he go? Not the point, right now I need to focus on getting back to civilization.
  The duo drags me around a corner, and into an elevator, where they click on an unmarked button. If I really try, I feel like my energy could get to the point that I'd be able to escape. So, I begin to muster up my strength, and lift myself to my feet. They put their hands on my shoulders to push me back down, but I stiff legged them, and stood straight. When one went to kick the back of my knee, I turned and punched him across the face. The black one pulled me into a full Nelson, and I struggled, but the white one hit me square in the nose, and I fell into a soothing darkness. When I awoke, it was because of a sharp pain in my side. I instinctively grab at it, and feel my hand become engulfed in pain.
  "I, am known purely as Chairman. That is all you will know me by." A voice called the Chairman stated, without turning their chair.
  "Who are you?" I ask, violently struggling to get off the floor.
  "Chairman, boy. Now, do not ask again, I do not appreciate it." Chairman replied.
  "Where are we?" I commanded.
"Do not command at me boy." The Chairman snaps, and the white warrior slaps the back of my head.
"Please, what do you want with me?" I beg, wincing in pain as shards of glass dig deeper in my skin.
"That's more like it. Now, we need you for an experiment, and we think you're best fit for it." Chairman praises.
"What is the experiment? And why did you drug me and my family to get us here?" I plead.
"Your family? No boy, we have you and some other Saiyans, unless you Saiyans all consider each other family, which is sentimental but odd. As for the experiment, I'm sure you've heard of a... Super Saiyan?" The Chairman says, questioningly.
"Super Saiyan?" I mouth. "N-No Chairman." I reply truthfully.
"Most disappointing, but! Nonetheless, we can access it other ways. We need your Saiyan blood for our newest test," Chairman continues, "we are working to make an Android capable of... Simulating, a Super Saiyan." Chairman reveals.
"Wha-?!" I exclaim, lifting my head slightly.
"Lift the boy up Oscar, Mike, help him." Chairman orders. They obey, and lift me by my under arms. Try hold me there, suspended and naked.
  "I-How?" I ask, forgetting the rule.
  "I said no commanding! Last warning." Chairman growls.
  "Sorry Chairman, but, how do you plan on doing this?" I ask nicely.
  "That, is not your business. All we need you to do is donate some blood and time." Chairman smiles.
  "And if I refuse?" I reply. The Chairman's smile disappears, and they smack their cane on the floor.
  Immediately, Mike and Oscar bring me to a glass room in the side of the office, where they Chuck me inside. I discover that on the inside, the room is a padded room, like in asylums, and the glass? One-Way. After a few minutes Oscar throws in a small parcel, tied closed with a zip-tie.
  I rip off the zip tie, and inside was a gui.
  "Put it on boy. Now." Chairman commands. I would have resisted, but I think it's best if I just go along until I have a steady plan. So, I slipped on the gui. It was black, with a big red ribbon on the back, with the letter R on each side. Holy shit, this is the Red Ribbon Army. And.. If they had that many workers... How many can fight? Oh god this is bad, shit shit shit!

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