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I feel the power before I can even kind of see it. A few semi-strong sources, plenty of weak ones, and another semi-large one.
Our pods plummet towards the group of semi-large power sources. They spin and fall at high speed, breaking the atmosphere of the life-holding planet. We fall through the sky, and skid on the ground just outside a city, where the pods stop. I kick the door off mine, sending it flying. Then, I rip the door off Chairman's, and help her out. She towers over me in height, but I'm still stronger. She's gotten her position off length, I've gotten mine off strength.
As a child I killed my father in order to surpass him. Once I reached old enough age I laid with my mother and had her bear my children, following her was my sister. Yes, it is common amongst Acrosians for the son to surpass the father, and take his place.
I stand with Chairman, surveying the area. The ground was soft, and I slightly sink into it. The air felt hot in comparison to what Planet Acro feels like. I clench my fists, and wait.
"We will level this city, then find Dr.S. After all, we came here to show the Acrosian's power." Chairman smiles, and I chuckle. We fly towards the city, which held tall buildings and short buildings, wide and log buildings. People walked around the city, talking into devices and to one another. They enter shops and such, and exit with plenty of stuff.
"Shall I?" I ask.
"Affirmative." Chairman orders me. I lift my hand, extend my index finger, and a large orb forms on my fingertip. It expands into a large sphere, made of blues and whites and blacks. Then, I fire it off into the city.
The place freezes over, people frozen in fear from seeing the massive orb flying at them. Buildings left inaccessible from being completely frozen over. We smirk, and search for Dr.S's location using the coordinates and coordinate grid they provided to find it.

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