Basic Training

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  Takeha paces amongst the group. Before him stands Teo, Hakeo, Kaeo, Olira, Cathy, Wie, Jae, Orik, and Yeq. 

  "You will be put through your paces today. We will start with the basics, then on to more difficult tasks." Takeha announces. "Is that clear?" He shouts. 

 "Yeah!" They yell.

 "When you say yes to something I say, you will respond with Absolute, and after that Definite! Is that clear?" Takeha shouts.

 "Absolute!" The groups yells.

 "WHo's ready to begin?" He asks.

 "Definite!" The group yells.

 "Push-up position! Go!" Takeha yells, and the group gets in position for push-ups. "Down!" He yells, and they all go down. "Up!" They all go up. "Down!" He shouts and they go back down. "One!" He yells, and they all go into up position."Down! Up! Down! Two!" He continuously goes through commands, until they've done 50 of these push-ups.

 "Sit-up position! Move!" He yells. They all go into sit-up position. "Up! Down! Up! One!" He does these commands until they've done 50.

 "Crunches! Begin! Up! Down! Up! One!" He does this until they've done 50. He does this with wide-hand push ups, jumping jacks, crossover crunches, and more. By the finish, they're kinda tired.

 "Have you never done the basics? Just weights and such?" He asks.

 "Absolute!" They yell. He pinches the bridge of his nose, and looks back at them.

 "Back into push-up position." Takeha orders.

 "Definite!" The group shouts. They do these basic exercises until noon. Then they refuel, and meet back outside.

 "Running time ladies and gents!" Takeha orders, and they jog in unison. "Left! Let! Right Left! Left!" He yells on each step of the corresponding feet. They jog for a few hours, before settling on the mountain. "It is my understanding not everyone can fly?" Takeha asks.

 "Absolute!" A few of them yell.

 "Step forward." He says. Cathy & Yeq step forward. "Jae, will you teach them while we work on Ki?" Jae nods. The rest of the group stays behind.

 "Ki is important, it drives power behind your strikes, it lets you use your Ki blasts, it provides you energy." Takeha informs. "It is also required to help transform." That's when he catches their attention. "Meditation is important, and do it whenever possible. Like now." They all begin to meditate until nightfall.

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