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  "I'd be willing to train the kid if you need me to." I say to Yeq, as she looks in amazement at her oldest son.
  "I-I don't know, he's got to learn still.. And who knows if he's even a-" she begins.
  "A fighter?" I ask. "That boy's a Saiyan, half-breed or not, every Saiyan has the blood to fight in them."
  "Do you promise there will be time for his studies?" She asks.
  "What's his education at?" I ask.
"9th grade." Cathy replies.
"Smart kid, but yes, I'll make sure he gets his studies." I reply, and she thanks me. She realizes the seriousness of the situation I'm sure, and it must be difficult. Meeting a man one night, and letting him teach your kid to fight the next day? There's no way that seems normal, but it's not a luxury to know how to fight anymore. It's a necessity.
  So I walk with the boy to the front of the cave.
"Dominic, if you forgot I am Takeha." I tell the oldest boy.
  "Hi Sensei!" He exclaims excitedly.
"Do not think of me as a teacher, but a partner." I tell him, and he nods. "So," I begin, "show me what you can do."
  Instantly Dom runs forward and jumps off my chest and over my head. He then kicks the back of my head, with not much force, and punches me several times in the back of the leg, until I crumple to the ground on that leg, then he sends a strong punch to the other, causing me to be on my knees, and he flips over me again.
  Now, he flurries me with punches, left right left right left right, he's incredibly fast, probably almost as fast as Olira. And this boy's in his base form.
  "Ok, that's enough." I tell him. "You've got your attacking down, but you're not strong enough. We'll begin with channeling Ki into your punches." I inform him.
  "Won't keys stab someone?" He asks.
  I chuckle. "No Dominic, Ki, K-I, it's an energy inside of you." I summon a Ki blast in my hand and have it float there. "This, is the physical representation of my Ki."
  "So it's a sort of plasma by the looks of it." He replies.
  "I guess. Now, I want you to cross your legs and your arms. Good, now focus. Close your eyes and channel the Ki inside of you, let it traverse through your body." I say.

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