Red Ribbon Army HQ

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  Chairman creeps through the lab, enjoying the almost complete silence. Sounds of electric cutters and blowtorches cut through the silence like it was metal. Then he comes upon an intern.

  "Can you believe the Chairman? I mean- how are we expected to take over a planet with another planet? It just doesn't make sense." The intern mutters to his table partner. So the Chairman grabs their pistol, and shoots the intern in the back of the head.

 "Anyone else have a problem with Plan 0?" Chairman shouts into the lab. Nobody replies. "Good. Eis, Nuova, take care of the mess." Chairman barks, and storms from the room.

  Chairman walks into their office, and slams the door shut. The far wall rotates paintings and a bookshelf to reveal a large monitor. On the monitor, a face appears.

  "Ah, Dr.N" Chairman greets. "I see Dr.A and Dr.H have joined us today as well."

"Dr.S" The board greets the Chairman.

"And what do I owe for this fine company?" Chairman asks.

 "Our sector is prepared for the next phase." Dr.A states.

"As is ours." Dr.N adds.

 "And your progress Dr.H?" Chairman asks.

"We've been prepared." Dr.H replies.

"Does anyone know the status of Dr.M?" Dr.N asks.

"Dr.N is awaiting the signal." Dr.A replies.

"Perfect." Chairman finishes.

"Dr.A, launch your phase of the plan and the rest will soon follow. Earth and our corresponding planets will be ours." Dr.H says.

"Dr.A, out."

"Dr.N, out."

"Dr.H, out." And just as the conference call ends, Chairman slumps in their chair.

"Dr.S, out, I guess." Chairman mumbles.

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