The Testing

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  I slept for about an hour before the intercom buzzed again.
  "Get up. Get ready to battle with Charlie." Chairman orders over the intercom. I straggle to my feet, and shake my head in order to wake up. The gui gives a small jolt of electricity, which causes the hairs on my neck to stand. I think it's to wake me up, but nothing really happened.
"Ello love." Charlie walks in. I was expecting a guy at first, but no, it's a girl. She! She's a girl, my bad.
"Don't expect me to go easy on you." I growl, trying to make her cower away.
"Would be disappointed if you did love." She replies, winking. A tail wraps around her waist, interesting. So she's a Saiyan too...
"If you're a Saiyan why do they need me?" I ask.
"In't it obvious darling? They need more, successful blood." She purrs. Charlie elegantly paces around the small room.
  "Let's do this Charlotte." I grin, and stand ready to fight. Her intimidating smile drops immediately, and within a second she's behind me and I'm on the ground.
  "It's Charlie." She snarls, and kicks my side hard enough that I roll over a few times. Instinctively I grab my side and force myself to my feet. I get back into stance, and as she approached me again she throws a left punch, which I block with my right forearm, and she drops that hand as she lifts her right knee, and I block it with my left shin. Her right fist comes straight for my face, and my arms cross in front of us, locking her fist in my arms. I twist downwards, wrenching her arm oddly. She turns mid air and slips out of my grab, with her right foot flying in a circular path towards me, so I put both hands in a wall form and block it. I then turn, putting my back to her body, and swing my left arm around strongly, and my forearm and fist connect to her upper chest and face. Her long black hair falls out of it's bun and she collapses to the floor.
  I turn towards her again, with my stance resumed. Once I focused, it was quite easy for me to play on the defensive. I walk forward and hold my hand out, Palm facing her, and channel my Ki into a charging blast, and just as I am about to release it, my gui shocks again, except it hurts extremely this time.
  I drop to my knees and kneel over Charlie, electricity moving all over my body. My body becomes tired, and I lift myself back up for one final, deafening cry, where the room shakes practically from it, before I collapse onto the ground next to her. I fall into a state of mostly conscious, but unable to move, like being paralyzed. Yes, that's it. I'm paralyzed on the ground. Blood rushes quickly to my head, and my vision blurs as I begin to lure into a deep coma.

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