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  I step forward towards the man. He has somewhat long hair, a bit shorter than mine. His sticks up, pointing back, like the top of my hair does. He has a strong jawline, with serious eyes, just as I do, and he has the thin waist like I do, despite his larger legs and chest, but I have a completely thin structure. 

  "You're..." I begin.

"Takeha." He replies.

 "And that means you're..."

"Your father." He looks at me with a strong sorrow.

  "Wow." I state, and we stare at one another from a few feet apart. He was obviously seeing how I've changed from an infant, meanwhile I'm absorbing every detail I can. His gui is a brown, with a black undergarment. His boots are black as well, and the wrist bands are black. His voice was deep, like a chasm that had no echo.

 "You've..." He begins. "Got blue hair." 

I chuckle, and look to the ground. "Yeah, yeah I suppose so."

 "So you're rebellious I'll assume?" He smiles, choking back tears.

"You could say that."

 "Just like your mother." He replies, and we both stop. "I'm sorry.." He replies, able to tell what happened.

 "The Acrosians got to her." I growl.

"Hold not anger, but passion. Hold not revenge, but a plan." He replies to that, and walks closer. I can't help it, I run at him, and wrap my thin arms around his body. He wraps around me as soon as I'm connected, and we embrace. Nothing is said, no sounds are made, just pure hugging was happening. 

 I cry into my father's chest, and he won't admit it but I know he was letting silent tears roll. I pull away.

 "I- I'm sorry." I sob, and fall to my knees. He kneels beside me. "I- I found you a long time ago, but I was scared.. I was scared I'd disappoint you! After mum died, I just couldn't bear telling anyone. I clammed, hell, my best friend is a Robot that I made."

  "Doll, let me tell you something." He says, serious-like. "It would be impossible for me to be disappointed in you." He looks into my eyes. "My only daughter, there is nothing for you to be compared to because you are to me what food and water and air is to us, I may make the mistake of taking you for granted like I did when I was young and stupid, but in the end I still love and need you."

 My heart stops, he just met me again for the first time in 17 years, and he still loves me? Loves his daughter.

  "You're smart, and you made a good decision. You came just in time, because a few years ago I'd have no way to react to this. Now? I've been everywhere in this planet, and I've learned. I'm like a wise old man now, eh? Heh." He chuckles, and I smile, wiping away my tears. 

 "Why are you different now? A wise old man could still be foolish." I ask.

"Because.. Well, I've finally reconnected with my family. I have a special condition, and now that I've been able to overcome it, I was able to spend time with my family. My niece, your aunt's daughter, she's almost like you. She's smart, she's a fighter, an adapter, but the biggest difference?" he asks.

 "The blue hair?" I joke.

 "Well, the second biggest," He smiles. "You're my daughter, not my sister's. That means you'll be foolish for a time, whether you like it or not, but eventually, in the time you need to be, you'll be the right person. You'll be an adult. Sometimes, people grow up because they have to. Other times, people grow up when they need to." He grins at me, and I hug him again.

 "I love you dad."

"I love you too Doll."

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