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  "Oi, lunch meat, let's move it." A male's graveled voice commands.
  "Aye Jae." I reply.
  "Le's go Orik, no time teh dil dal." A bigger man named Wie said. I grab my pack from next to the trunk of the large tree, and sling it over my shoulder.
  "I's (It's without the t sound) gonn' be cold one tehday lads, so le's but'n up." Jae suggested. I zip up the grey hoodie I'm wearing, and flatten down my beanie.
  "Le's go." I say, and walk off, the men following me.
  "Wa's the plan lad? We can' just go find base, we gots teh have summat. 'We go back wit notin' they won' take us." Jae says.
  "I know, Jae, look, we're just gonna stop in the city ahead, grab some canned goods, maybe even stop at the hospital." I reply. He looks confused for a moment, then fixes his face.
  "Alrigh'" he replies. His long black hair waves by his waist, despite the fact we put it into a bunch of pony tails. The long black beard he'd been growing stood out on his face. The scouter on his left eye showed his status as a former soldier under the PAA. Planetary Auction Army. It had a red AA printed on the screen, but in the top corner. Behind him lagged along Wie. Wie was a quieter guy, kind. He had no hair, but he had a black beard that flowed down to his waist. Around said waist is his tail, because he refuses to remove it since it "entertains" him when he's bored, which is good because it keeps him from trouble. Wie is like a child in a behemoth's body. He towers at about eight foot five, and weighs close to three hundred pounds. I marched along through the thicket of brush and tree limbs hanging limply off the beaten and barren forest. Winter is harsh, especially for the battles.
  I push a tree out of the path, and it opens up an exit to the open world. As I set out of the forest I'm careful not to be too lazy, if I am I could be killed at any second. But, if I'm prepared, I can put up a decent fight. Jae exits behind me, and finally comes Wie. Jae was a bit of a smaller man, around one hundred and eighty pounds. He was probably five foot nine.
  I drop to the ground when I see a small bit of pink disappear behind a corner. Watching the spot, a blackish blur flies past. I crawl along with the other two towards the spot on the outer skirts of the city. A weird bubbling sound starts as we get close. I stand carefully, and peek around the corner.
  A blackish grey figure lankily bent over a pink body, and I saw off to the side was a discarded head, of a Majin woman. I hide back behind the corner, and turn to my companions.
  "Oi, if we take this guy out he won' be a problem anymore, but if he absorbs that other Majin we could be in trouble." I tell them.
  "Alrigh', le's go chump." Jae states, ready to sprint around the corner.
  "Go around, I'll get the front." I say, and shoo them away. They hurry away, and I dig around for something to throw, and luckily I find an empty can. Perfect, it's in pristine condition, do it still rolls, which is even better. I squat down, and roll the can from my spot to across the street. The Evil Majin tilts it's head, and stalks towards the can. As he appears in my view, I kick the side of his head, and he rolls to the side with it, then turns to me.
  "ROOODA" He shouts, his long purple tongue hanging snakily. He then tackles at me, but I throw him aside, making sure to put some ground between him and the dead Majin. You see, the race is able to absorb people and things, which makes them stronger, it's especially affective if it's another Majin or any Saiyan. Even the Tuffle Saiyans.

  I stand ready, my left hand by my left ankle, and my right hand raised high above me, with my right foot back a bit. The Evil Majin tilts its head to the side, and rolls forward continuously, and in response I drag my back foot forward and he rolls onto my foot. I kick straight upward, and the Evil Majin twirls mercilessly backwards, and corrects himself midair, flying at a low altitude. I stand back in fighting stance, and eye my opponent. He roars, and dashes for me, but I drag my arm down and feel as Wie's large feet plant on my back, then I lean forward and he flies off my back at incredible speed.  I glance up to the fight, and see as Wie's hand wraps around the Evil Majin's throat, and the head hangs limply almost immediately. Wie pets the dead Evil Majin and drops him to the ground. Wie looks oddly at things, but we still love him like a son. I approach the dead Evil Majin, and pat down his clothes.

  "Fuck yes lads!" I announce.

  "Senzu?" Wie asks childishly.

  "Tha's amazin'!" Jae exclaims. I dump the beans into my pouch, and tie it back up.

  "Evil man hurt me..." Wie complains. Deep bite marks are apparent on his hand, and he looks to me like a child afraid of any and everything. 

  "I's ok lad, you'll get bette' soon." I comfort, and help him stand.

The Great Saiyan WarNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ