Doctor A's Part of the Plan

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  Doctor A slumps into their chair. They de-transform into a lower level, so that they look different than their silhouette had shown. Doctor A presses on the intercom button, and speaks into it with a raspy voice that wasn't apparent in their other form.

  "General Dracul, initiate Plan 0." Doctor A speaks into the intercom.

  At the head of the ship, General Dracul barges into the deck.

  "Ok pilots, you've been preparing this launch key for a while now. Set all compasses to the 7th Universe." Dracul informs the pilots. They all grab keys and insert them into circular compasses. They then simultaneously turn the keys, and the ship pivots straight down. It purrs loudly for a moment, then jumps forward with intense speed.

  And just like that, the Acrosians arrived in Universe 7, from Universe 8.

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