twenty two

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bye this is my last time updating im logging out see you tonight

audreybby: now i gotta house in la

audreybby: now i gotta bigger pool than ye

audreybby: and look man ye's pool is nice, mines just bigger's what im sayin

justinbieber: my pool is definitely bigger than his

audreybby: *answers an hour later*

justinbieber: didn't i say i want to talk to you when im not distracted

audreybby: oh yeah...

audreybby: well what did you have to tell me

justinbieber: ok so you know how i told you to not be sexual because it'll defeat the purpose of what im about to say

audreybby: yeah

justinbieber: well i kind of don't know what i was expecting when i dmed you and the fact you actually answered was surprising

justinbieber: you're sexy and all and really cute but you're also smart and funny and easy to talk to which is rare for me considering most people i talk to screams whenever they see me

justinbieber: we've been talking for a month already .. almost two and i enjoy talking to you especially over facetime

justinbieber: i would've done this over facetime but i'd rather not embarrass myself

audreybby: you're stalling justin ... if you don't want to talk to me anymore just say it

justinbieber: no it's not like that! i promise

justinbieber: if anything it's the opposite

justinbieber: im just gonna say it

justinbieber: i just don't want a sexual relationship with you ...

audreybby: we never had sexual intercourse ?

justinbieber: that's not what i mean audrey

justinbieber: i hate you for making me say it

justinbieber: i like you. ok i have feelings for you .. all sexual wants put aside i have actual feelings for you. we've never met but we've talked nonstop for a long stop and im comfortable with you ...

justinbieber: i wasn't expecting this to turn into this... when i dmed you my main goal was to get my dick wet and after talking to that wasn't my main goal anymore


justinbieber: audrey?


justinbieber: i knew i should've waited until we actually met




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