Chapter One

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Danielle’s POV:

I scraped at my newly polished nails. I hated flying. The fact that it was a small transportation unit, jam-packed with people, and what to me only seemed like a limited supply of air made me nervous. Very nervous. I brushed off the red flakes from my jeans onto the carpeted floor and tried with all my might to stare at the bald head in front of me and not out the window. Oh God, I thought, we’re flying over water.

This was the time I needed someone’s hand to hold or arm to grab onto. Water was another one of my many fears. But of course, I was by myself. I chose to live my life this way. This was my decision.

“Now that we have no turbulence, our flight attendants will be making their way to you. Have a complimentary drink if you would like! Our destination time is set for t-minus seven hours. Sit back and enjoy the rest of your flight.” The pilot said politely over the intercom.

I inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly. This flight was going to be a long one but I wanted to be as far away from that retched place as possible. After all, I’ve been over eighteen for three years now. I was considered an adult in my country and could do as I pleased with my life. Sure, I put the cost of this flight on my credit card and didn’t plan on paying it off anytime soon, my budget would not allow it, but I needed this. I need this I thought to myself.

I grabbed my headphones and out of style iPod to try to clear my head and calm my nerves. I had so many things to do and so many things to figure out, how was I not going to end up on the street as some prostitute? I had no money whatsoever. Ughh, I thought, Stop stressing and just relax. I closed my eyes and eventually found myself in the half-asleep dream state, where my mystery man that I always meet in my dreams comes and rescues me from this life that I’ve made a mess of.

Niall’s POV:

Thank God this third tour is over, was all I could think once I stepped foot on our private plane. Don’t get me wrong, I love touring… But it always makes me miss home even more than the last time us lads have been away. All of our fans were so stoked for another tour. We met more people, had life changing experiences, and best of all: had a craic.

I rested my head back upon the head rest of my seat and closed my eyes. I tried to picture the look on my mum’s face when I returned to her with open arms, an empty stomach, and a tattered heart.

“Whatcha thinkin’ about there, mate?” Louis, one of my lads asked as he tossed a pillow directly in my red hot face. It was hotter than hell here in America, especially in the summer time. I could feel the perspiration trailing down the side of my face and wiped it clean with my fingertips.

“Just wondering when they’re going to turn the bloody air conditioning on and the first home cooked meal my mum is going to make.” I said, shoving the small pillow behind my head and tilting my hat down on top of my eyes as a sign of Do Not Disturb.

“Time to buckle up lads.” Paul said in a firm tone. I could tell he was exhausted and ready to get back home.

Everyone got settled in and I replayed both the good and bad memories of this last tour, my thoughts were then interrupted by a slight buzz from my phone. I lifted up my hat and repositioned it on my head a few times before checking. It was probably a tweet or my mum trying her very best to text me something readable. I swiped the screen of my new iPhone and read a text. It was from her.

“Hey Niall, I’m really sorry. I wish I could change things. Will you please forgive me? xx” It read.

Not today love, not today, I thought as her sun kissed face flooded my mind. The scent of her skin still lingered on my clothes. I remember the touch of her silky smooth hair as I ran my fingers through it after a long night of paparazzi and sweaty bodies on the dance floor. I don’t think I will ever be able to forget that night. Part of me wishes that I could, and the other part does not.

The engine of the plane started up and I tried to make myself as comfortable as possible for the long flight ahead. I liked flying. The scenery, feeling weightless, the butterflies, the snacks, and sometimes the occasional scare of turbulence. Adventure was carved into my bones. I craved for it. A good scare every once in a while was needed, especially when a fine laugh was usually followed afterwards.

Thoughts of her beauty tried to make its way back into my head but I pushed them away... What I needed was a pint.

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