Chapter Forty-Two

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Danielle’s POV:

My head was pounding even before I opened my eyes. I hadn’t even hit it that hard the night before. I guessed I just didn’t handle drinks well.

Niall held onto me tight. I was surprised how well he stayed put while sleeping. He was so jittery and fidgety during the day. He hardly ever moved once his head hit the pillow.

I turned to face him. His hands did a little dance to try to figure out where my body was going and how he could still keep contact with me. I put my arm around him and scooted closer. I had to admit, sleeping naked was not my first choice. I was cold. It was a little awkward. I liked some sort of… coverage.

He ran a hand down my bare back and rested it on my rear. I thought he was still drifting in and out of sleep, but his actions now told me otherwise. I looked up at him and he peered down at me and raised an eyebrow. I could tell that he was still sleepy. He never looked like he was fully rested. I wished he would just go back to sleep.

Instead, he slowly sunk under the covers. A sly smirk spread across his face. He turned over onto his stomach and slowly spread my legs apart.

I felt the scruff from his chin lightly scrape the sides of my inner thighs. His tongue and lips met my center. He hummed into me and gripped at my thighs with his large hands. I needed to do something with my hands. I used one hand to tug on the ends of his hair and the other to hold onto the sheets. God, he’s good.


Eleanor called me later requesting my assistance.  “Do you think you can swing by today and see the place?” She asked me, “Think of it as a business meeting and a girl day.” She added. I told her I’d be there in a few hours.

I rushed over to Cat’s place and woke her from her slumber. “Get up, get up! I shook her after my silly songs and gentle touches didn’t do a thing. “I’m jumping in the shower and when I get back, you better be up. You wanna work with me, huh? Then you’re up during the day!” I closed the bathroom door and played some loud music from the stereo sitting by the tub. I then decided to go back and open the bathroom door, in hopes of keeping Cat awake. I was sure it seemed like I showered a ton. I did. I was a very hygienic person. I couldn’t stand not brushing my teeth or not having deodorant. I liked to have clean hair as well.

Over the last few months I had accumulated quite the army of hygienic products. A lot of them I didn’t pay for. It was nice feeling civilized again, but I hated that I felt like I owed people.

I still had to drag Cat out of bed and force a glass of water down her before we left for Eleanor’s. I hailed a sleepy Cat and I a taxi and shoved her in while I cleaned up her makeup from last night and braided her hair down her back. “You take such good care of me.” She said to no one in particular; but I knew it was directed towards me.

“I learned from the best.” I said wiping her eyeshadow off with my saliva and thumb. She took off her tank top and rubbed the grease off of her face with the inside. I caught the driver staring and told him to do his job.

I didn’t know why I was so flustered. Eleanor was a little intimidating. I mean, this was an actual job; if I got it. It was practice on Niall’s place. Also, Eleanor was so sophisticated.

We pulled up a few blocks down from her mansion. Well, I guessed I didn’t know for sure that it was a mansion. I’d never been to her place. But all of the surrounding houses looked like mansions to me.

I talked through how our meeting should run. I mean, of course we were accepting the job (if she offered it to us). I just wanted things to run smoothly. I was already very high-strung and a bit hungover. I nice cup of coffee or tea would calm me down.

We found the address and I buzzed for her to let us in. She appeared in the doorway lovely as always. Then she greeted both of us with a hug and showed us around.


I already had ideas I was mulling over in my head. I was trying to picture everything and make a few quick decisions while Eleanor poured us coffee and tea. I knew I needed to make sure everything was alright with Cat, but I was pretty sure she was still sleeping. She kept on fighting off her heavy eyelids. I thought she might tip over and fall off her chair and onto the hard floor. I prayed she would last another hour. She could go home if Eleanor still wanted to chat.

Eleanor’s heels clicked on the tile as she maneuvered around her huge kitchen. Apart from thinking which shade of brown would look best in the foyer, I was ooing and awing at her place. I couldn’t help but gawk. I wondered how much it must have cost. I wondered if they picked out the place together.

After a few laws had been put down, all due to Eleanor, I let Cat go. We had agreed on the deal and I guessed her and Louis had already figured out the price they were willing to pay. It was more than double what I was expecting.

We talked about work and a few other things. She told me all about her and Louis’ wedding. I actually didn’t mind listening. She led me upstairs to their master bedroom and opened the closet door. She led me to the back of the long closet and unzipped the covering of what appeared to be her wedding dress. She pulled it out and held it out in front of her. I watched her survey herself in front of the mirror as she talked about how much she loved wearing the dress.

Then she came over to me and held it out in front of me. “Can’t you not wait?” She asked smiling at me and my reflection in the mirror.

“I don’t think I’ll be getting married yet!” I laughed. “But almost every girl dreams of the day, right?” I asked and lightly touched the silky fabric.

“Right.” She agreed. “Niall really does like you.” She started, “One day he came over to drop off Lou and he wouldn’t shut up about you! It was the cutest thing. Once he saw me sitting in the corner, his cheeks flushed and he ran out of here.” The mirror was by a window and Eleanor looked so beautiful with the sunlight cascading across her skin. I could see dark clouds off in the distance. I knew a storm was coming. “It makes me wonder if Lou ever did the same thing.” She laughed and left me in front of the mirror while she put her dress back. “Wanna see something? You and Cat have to keep it a complete secret.” She said with a finger to her lips. I nodded and followed.

She led me down the hall to a closed door. “I told Louis this was my sacred girl room and he couldn’t come in.” She explained unlocking the door. I furrowed my eyebrows. “Yeah, he believed it. Whatever a ‘sacred girl room’ is supposed to be, he believed it.”

She pushed the door open to reveal blank white walls. One blue balloon and one pink balloon sat in the middle of the floor. I looked at her and then eyed her middle. “Haha! Yes, it’s true! I am with child. But this is all a surprise! I’ve already told my mum and close family and friends. I haven’t told Louis yet and I intend to keep it that way! We have to lay low. I honestly can’t believe he hasn’t noticed yet. Will you take up the offer? I don’t know the sex yet so it could just be a unisex… What’s wrong?” Her face was grim. I started tearing up. It was a mixture of happy and sad tears.

“Of course I’ll help you! I love babies and families and all of that! It’s just that you had so much to drink last night…” This is so embarrassing.

“Yeah… I know. All of that is actually my fault. I’m the only one to blame. I watered down a lot of the drinks when no one was looking and acted drunk most of the time. But still, I know what you mean. The baby will be okay. No more drinks from now on. Party girl Eleanor is gone! Mommy’s here!” She said trying to cheer me up.

I always loved kids. They have forever had a special place in my heart. I just wanted the baby to be healthy. I knew that Eleanor would regret drinking after the baby was born. Even though she would stop and I knew it should be fine, she would think that every little thing that the child did wrong was her fault. Or maybe I was just dwelling on it too much…

“I promise…” She went on.

“Of course!” I was smiling through my humiliating tears. “Just tell me what you want! I’ll try my very best.” She rested a hand on my arm and smiled.

“This has to be kept from Niall as well.” She went on “He’ll understand.”

I knew he would. He always understood.

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