Chapter Eleven

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Niall’s POV:

I jolted at the chime of the alarm that was set on my phone. It woke me with a scare every time. I fumbled through the covers to search for it and shut off the bloody thing. I sat up and ripped off the covers not finding it and began to get frustrated. I was not a morning person. I eventually found it in the tiny hole between the two pillows at the head of my bed. I turned it off and read a text.

Danielle: Haha, oh yeah!  I know. If you set a whole tub of ice cream in front of me, I would dig right to the bottom!

I recalled back to last night and the conversations we were having via text message. I must have fallen asleep on her! I checked the time that my iPhone received the text. It had been only two hours ago. I sent her a quick text back. I didn’t want to forget with the busy day that I had ahead. But I also hoped it wouldn’t wake her.

Me: I’m sorry I fell asleep on ya! Hope I can make it up to ya soon!

I went for a quick shower and woke up with my head against the shower wall. Shampoo was running down my face and stung my eyes once I opened them. This was going to be a long day. I only messed with my hair a bit. I knew that once at the photo shoot, the hairstylists would want to put gel and other goop in my locks.

I grabbed my heaping pile of clothes and set them all in the washer. I knew that my mum would not approve of the lights and darks being together… whatever that meant. I started my huge load and grabbed my wallet, phone, and sunglasses. I went out the door and locked it. I stopped and checked my phone as I waited for the lift to get to my floor. I had a few texts from the lads reminding me that we had a shoot today. I smiled as my phone vibrated from another text from Danielle. I must have woke her.

I stepped onto the lift and pushed the button that called down to where a car was waiting. I met up with security as I strolled towards the idle car.

“Mornin’ lads.” I nodded to them and slid into the back seat. A breakfast burrito was waiting for me. I munched down on it. One thing I hated about being well-known was that I couldn’t drive myself much. Especially if it was known where I was headed. They slid in next to me and the driver took off.

I met up with the lads at the shoot and security finally left my side. They all greeted me with a hug and a few ruffles of my hair. Then our hair and makeup team whisked me away to do their job. I picked out a few outfits and sat texting Danielle back every few minutes.

“Who ya textin’?” Liam caught my frantic thumbs.

“Eh. I’m just tweetin’ a few people.” I replied. I wanted to spill everything to Liam but I kept quiet.

“Ah.” He looked around. “Wanna go out for a bite later?” He smiled.

“Oh, Sure. Just let me arrange somethin’ with my mum first. I was plannin’ to see her sometime soon.” I stood up as the stylists left my chair - their job accomplished, and headed outside of the noise. I dialed her number quick and stood against the cold wall.

“Hey mum! I miss you! Ey, I was wonderin’ when we could get together sometime. I wanted to plan somethin’ with you first before my schedule got all messed up. Call me later. Love ya.”

I tapped end and paced back over to all the lads. They were gathered in a circle and talked with large hand gestures. I joined them and placed my hands inside the pockets of my jeans.

“Hey, Niall! You’re looking a bit tired. Maybe I could send some tea for you?” Louis pinched my cheeks and laughed at himself. He may be a few years older and have a bit more scruff on his face, but he still likes to make a joke of things.

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