Chapter Forty-Seven

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Niall’s POV:

I spent my day with my father. I hadn’t seen him in a very long time. Things were always a little awkward when we reunited, but both of us tried to rise above the feeling.

I just sat around with him out on his back porch. It was a little chilly even though I had on the sweatshirt Danielle told me to bring, even though I resented putting it into the suitcase.

We talked and joked around for awhile. Things would get quiet and I would always think about how much I missed seeing my dad. I missed Ireland. It was my old home; but I figured out that I was already making a new home with Danielle. I wouldn’t trade coming back home and leaving her in London for anything.

Maybe I was too sensitive for thinking that. Maybe I had gone soft. But it was the truth.

“Ya gettin’ serious about this Danielle girl?” My father interrupted my thoughts. I nodded my head and gulped down the rest of my second beer. “Can I see a picture?” I nodded again and flipped through the pictures on my phone. I showed him my favorite of her. She was staring outside the large windows in my apartment lost in thought. A book open in front of her as she sits at the dinner table. He nodded and squinted at my phone. I looked at his profile. Gray hairs began to blend with his natural hair color and age spots left large speckles on his cheeks. “Before ya marry her, I’d like t’ meet her.” He stated and handed my phone back to me.

“Why do ya think—“

“I know, Niall. I know.” He interrupted me and raised an eyebrow at me.

I sat back in my chair and opened a new beer. The sun was already setting. Danielle and I would have to leave soon. We had a late flight into London and I had an early morning.

“I’d better call ‘nd see when she’s gettin’ back.” I pulled out my phone once more and pressed it to my ear. She answered after a few rings.

“Hey, bub. I know it’s getting late. We’re on our way out right now.” Background noise muffled her voice a bit and her breathing was heavy which meant Denise must have been walking fairly fast. I knew her little legs had a hard time keeping up with others.

“How could ya spend a whole day in there? It’s not that big.” I teased.

“Oh, I’m losing you. I’ll be back soon… Your mom wants to talk to you. We’re picking up coffee on our way back. Want anything?”

“No, I’m good. Thanks anyway.” I answered. I pulled a hand through my hair. I desperately needed a haircut. My look was getting ridiculous.

“Hey, love. It’s me.” I heard my mother’s voice through the phone. “Listen, there’s this ring that Danielle had her eye on in one of the stores, nothing too fancy. I was wonderin’ if ya wanted me t’ buy it for ya and have ya give it t’ her. It would be very difficult having ya come ‘nd buy it yourself. Jus’ a thought. It’s quite beautiful actually. I’ll give you a moment to think about it.” She finished. I just stood looking at the calluses on my fingertips. I grazed my teeth on one and answered.

“She really likes it?” I asked.

“Loves it, actually. It’s definitely her style.”

“Get it. Thanks mum.”

“No problem, sweetheart. Be home in a bit. Shall I keep this purchase a secret?”

“For now.”

“Alright. See ya soon.”

I hung up and rubbed my face with hands. I couldn’t stop thinking about work and how much I needed to do when we got back. I couldn’t decide between wanting a hot shower and going right to bed with Danielle, or staying up and chatting with her. We always had the best conversations.

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