Chapter Sixty

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Danielle’s POV:

Usually his light snores helped put me to sleep but I couldn’t seem to rest.

Niall held me tight with his hot breath on my neck. His hand twitched every once in a while from dreaming. I watched his clock tick away the time. I knew that our heavy suitcases were sitting by the front door. I knew that in two hours I would be out the door and heading for a plane that would be leaving for the states. I also knew that I wasn’t ready.

I chewed the dead skin off of my bottom lip and turned onto my back. Niall groggily shifted his position with mine and pulled me even closer to his warm skin. I rested my head on his chest and rubbed his small cluster of chest hair with my thumb. “Mmm… babe… stop it! That tickles.” He brushed my hand away and giggled. “’re ya up now? Is it time t’ go?” He shifted his weight to look at the clock.

“No, no. Go back to sleep.” I leaned my weight against him.

“Have ya not been asleep?” He laid back down and kissed the top of my head.

“Umm…” I mumbled.

“Ya acted like ya were asleep so I would fall asleep?!”


“I’ll go heat up the kettle…” He pulled the warm covers off of him.

“No, Ni! I’m fine!”

“Ya need some tea. I’ll be back.”


I jumped at the alarm and quickly shut it off. Two hours of sleep. Niall was right. The tea did help.

He grunted and I heard him rub his eyes vigorously. I didn’t know how he ever got by with not much sleep. I had no idea how he managed to get up in the morning. I didn’t think I could do what he does.

He got up and stretched. I watched his dark figure stumble groggily to the bathroom. He moaned when he turned on the bright bathroom light. All I wanted to do was fall back asleep. I heard his familiar morning routine which consisted of him peeing and then brushing his teeth. He would usually shower next. I felt a hand on my side while the shower water was beating the floor of the tub. “C’mon, babe. Let’s go shower.” He tugged on my arms to help me sit up. I wasn’t in the greatest mood. I had a headache from hardly sleeping and I was reminded of who I would see in a matter of hours. Niall tugged on me again and I stood to my feet. I slowly walked to the bathroom and peed while I brushed my teeth. Niall told me to get undressed and stand in the shower, so I did. “Are ya almost done, Danielle?” I knew he was going to shower after me. He didn’t usually shave before he showered but today he did. His loud footsteps crossed the bathroom and pulled the shower curtain open. I stood under the water staring off into space. I was thinking too much. “Ya haven’t washed your hair yet?” Niall whispered.

I heard the ruffle of cloth against his skin but I didn’t look at him. I was too interested in the color of the tile on the shower walls. I snapped myself out of whatever I was doing and to my surprise; Niall stepped in the shower with me.

He squirted my shampoo into his hands and lathered it into my wet hair. I don’t even remember brushing it out before I got into the hot water. “Close your eyes,” He whispered again “I don’t want ya getting soap in t’em.” I did what he said and stood with his large hands massaging the shampoo into my hair. He lightly pushed me back under the showerhead to rinse it out. He rung out my hair with his hands and glided conditioner all along my now dark waves. “You should wash your body while I wash my hair.” We traded places.

I stood facing him with a bar of soap in my hand and tried my best to wash my body. He was much faster in the shower than I was. He had finished washing his hair when I was just putting the bar of soap back down. We traded places again and he helped me rinse out the conditioner.

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