Chapter Ten

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Niall’s POV:

I drove fast down the city streets and played the radio loud. I stopped at a stop sign and let a few people walk across the street. I looked at myself in the rearview mirror. I couldn’t stop smiling.

I had never been smooth with the ladies. That was more of Harry’s character. But tonight, I was smooth. I was smoother than smooth. The way that I left Danielle made her speechless. I knew that I had done something right. The way that she looked at me…

I looked at myself again and stared into my eyes. They were dark with lust. I wanted her. I sighed to myself as I pulled into a parking spot. I have to wait. I can tell that she’s going to take time… but it will all be worth it.

I checked my iPhone as I walked back inside of the building my flat was in. There were a few texts from our manager and a few from Liam. I had no unknown numbers so I knew that Danielle hadn’t grabbed her phone just yet. She was making me be patient. I didn’t want to be.

I eventually made it back up to my room and I flopped on my bed. I rubbed my tired eyes and set my alarm for early morning. I then sat up and ripped off everything except my boxer-briefs. I gathered under the covers and brought the white sheets up to my chest. I grabbed my phone again and screwed around Twitter, the bright light making me squint my eyes through the darkness. I scrolled through some posts of the people I was following. I liked to keep up on their lives as well. I stopped when I saw Demi’s posts. They spoke of her upcoming tour and how excited she was. I felt my heart sink. What was I thinking? I asked myself. I shook my head as the flashbacks came to mind. I pushed them away and my phone too.

Instead, I relived all of tonight’s memories. I didn’t want to think of Demi. I was moving on and looking forward to better. I knew that once this new girl let her guard down, she would treat me right. Or at least I hoped she would.

Everyone messes up. I’ve done plenty of that.

I didn’t want to mess up this new thing that was beginning to blossom right before my eyes.

I dreamt of getting up to grab my guitar and play something. I thought I actually was until the buzz from my phone woke me back up. I grabbed it off of the pillow next to me and read the time. It was a little past one in the morning. I groaned to myself and pulled the covers over my head. I only had a few more hours of sleep. I then flung them back off of my body and snatched for my phone. I forgot that it buzzed and that I had some sort of text message.

Unknown Number: “Hey it’s me, Danielle. I hope this is the right number.”

Niall: “Yeh, you’ve got the right number. Shouldn’t ya be asleep?”

I set my phone back down a breathed deeply out of my nose. I wanted to stay awake and talk to this girl but I knew my body needed sleep. It buzzed again but I ignored it… for a few minutes. I was now wide awake. I didn’t care if the makeup artists had to put extra gunk around my eyes in the morning for our photo shoot. I ached to talk to this girl ‘til the bath called my name.

Danielle’s POV:

I tiptoed down the stairs and set my belongings on the floor next to my little homemade bed. Cat was sitting on her bed painting her toe nails. Her makeup was bold again and her fishnets were back. It caught me by surprise for a moment but I then recalled her appearance last night.

“So,” Cat stated. “How was your date? I see you have acquired his jacket. Or, you two pulled a 007 and had to switch into a disguise.” She joked. I laughed at her assumption.

“It actually… wasn’t that bad.” I started. “I didn’t plan on really counting it as a date but…”

“It was totally a date.” She closed her nail polish and set it on her dresser. “I’m going out and I’ll be back early morning, okay? I’m sorry in advance if I wake you.” She jumped over towards the door and shoved her feet inside of her Oxford wedges.

“Umm… Okay. But-“

“I’ll tell you about it in the morning, alright? I promise. But right now I gotta get going. I’m running a little late.” Her British accent rolled off of her tongue and knotted into her words. They reminded me which continent I was on. She ran up the stairs and opened the door. “Oh, and if someone comes to the door, don’t answer it.” She belted down the stairs. I heard the door shut with a slam.

I opened my suitcase and found everything exactly where I had packed it. I was a neat person and liked for things to be in order. I liked to be in control. That’s why this whole “dating” thing took my head for a spin. I was scared of not being in control, although I didn’t like admitting it. That’s why I was scared of a lot of things.

I peeled my garments off of my body and put them into a separate pile from everything else. I rummaged through my luggage and found some pajamas to wear. I wanted to change my underwear badly but figured I would live through the night and switch into a clean pair in the morning. I snuggled up in my tiny bed and grabbed my phone. The little light flashed, indicating missed notifications. I unlocked my old Blackberry and saw I had a new voicemail. Oh, God. This is going to be good.

“Danielle, this is your mother. I slipped by your old apartment and talked to a few neighbors… apparently you’ve gone missing. Well, I just wanted to say that I’m sorry. I know that you’re old enough to make your own decisions and I’m sorry for intruding- …No honey, we can’t get that. Maybe next time… Anyways, call me back. Bye.”

 I deleted the message and pulled out the slim piece of paper. I punched in his number and saved it. I didn’t dare text him. I’m pretty sure that talking just a few hours after the date was a “no no” in the dating manual. I also didn’t want to look as if I was clingy.

Instead, I set my phone down and thought back to all the memories that had been made tonight. I may seem quiet and plain on the outside, but on the inside my emotions and thoughts run deep. I over think often and overanalyze every little detail. I try to map out every move that is made.

I had gone through every scene in my head at least twenty times and was finally beginning to fatigue. I got up and shut off all the lights except for the lamp on Catherine’s bedside table. I figured she might want some light coming into the house. I didn’t want to wake to her falling down the stairs and breaking an arm.

I crawled back into bed and closed my eyes. I readied myself for a long hard sleep. But before my mind could drift off too far in wonderland, I recalled our goodbyes at the door. I replayed every moment: from the walk up to the door, to the kiss on my hand, and him driving away. I couldn’t help but remember the elderly couple on the bench. How sweet they were to each other… The way he kissed her hand and relished her scent.


I grabbed my phone and sent him a quick text.

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