Chapter Fifty-Eight

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Niall’s POV:

I woke up on my back and rubbed my eyes. I reached over for my phone and shut off my alarm. Danielle was all curled up on her side but I watched her switch to her back. She made a little groaning sound. “Don’t leave yet, Ni.” Her voice was hoarse from sleep.

I brought her closer to me and rested a hand on her stomach. “I’m not leavin’ jus’ yet.” She smiled and closed her eyes. I played with the tiny hairs on her stomach; although I knew she resented their existence. She giggled and tried to push my hand away.

My thumb and pointer finger toyed with the hem of her underwear. It was still dark due to early morning, but I knew that her eyes were now wide open.

I let my fingers roam her folds and listened as she was caught off guard. Her thighs and stomach muscles tensed.

I sat up and flipped myself on top of her. Our morning breath intermingled while our lips caressed. Her hands trailed from the top of my head all the way down to my ass. Her fingertips brushed the border of my boxer-briefs.

I didn’t bother in taking them all the way off. I slipped myself out of the tight fabric and pushed her panties aside to meet her core. I gave a thrust and already felt her tighten around me. I rested my weight on my forearms while I kissed Danielle’s neck. Her hands skimmed my sides while I did the work.


Danielle’s POV:

He kissed my forehead and whispered he loved me before he left. He smelled like my favorite cologne of his; all I wanted to do with cuddle with him for the entire day.

I couldn’t fall back asleep after he had woken me up a second time. It was still early in the morning and I wanted so desperately to rest for a few more hours.

I crawled out of bed and found a large sweater of Niall’s on the floor. I pulled it over my shoulders in an effort to keep the cold away. I started the coffee pot and Niall’s large iPod which was always stationed on the counter in the bathroom so we could listen to music in the shower.

I finished getting ready and sat with my morning cup of joe at the dining room table. I found one of Niall’s wallets with a note stuck to it as well.


Go out and buy yourself a few things. Get some Christmas presents while you’re at it, will ya??!

I giggled and stuck the leather wallet in my purse. I loved the way he texted me and the way he wrote. He made it seem like he was still in the room. I could almost hear his thick accent in my ear.


I hailed a cab and dialed Niall immediately once inside. “Where to, lady?” The cab driver asked.

“The nearest mall, please.” I replied. The ringing stopped after I heard Niall pick up. “Ni! It’s snowing!” I exclaimed.

“Ah, yes it is. Why’re ya so excited ‘bout t’is?” He asked.

“I love snow and I haven’t seen it in the longest time! It’s so pretty! Have you ever been out in the city at night and it’s snowing and everything is quiet? I love that feeling.” I thought back to my snowy nights in Connecticut. 

“Eh… Not really. It’s London. It’s not very quiet here. But sometimes I had t’ose feelings in Ireland. We were lucky if we got snow instead of rain durin’ the winter. One time it started really snowin’ during the middle of da night and Greg woke me up. We both ran outside and stood in the middle of da street with nothin’ but our briefs.” He laughed, “But eventually our mum came outside ‘nd ordered us back in.”

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