Chapter Thirty

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Niall’s POV:

I woke up to a loud thud. I opened my eyes and looked towards the bathroom door. The light was on but the door was shut. Rays of florescent light shined through the crack underneath the door. I glanced towards the big window on the other side of my room. According to how light it was outside, it must have been around nine o‘clock in the morning. My head ached and my stomach felt empty.

The bathroom door creaked open and I watched Danielle try to tiptoe out of my room. “Hey.” I mumbled. She turned to look at me still in my bed.

“Shit. I’m sorry. I had to pee and I didn’t know of another bathroom in your apartment. So I snuck into your room, very stealth-like, and did my job. Then I proceeded to knock down the soap bottle and wake you. Go back to sleep.” She eased the door closed behind her.

“Danielle!” I chucked. She opened it back up again. “Come sleep with me.” I patted the white sheets next to me. I watched her silently weigh her options. I patted the sheets once more and watched her walk over to the other side of my bed.

“…Can I borrow a sweatshirt or something? I’ve been in this grimy dress for the past twelve hours. I don’t want to seem like that clingy girl who wears your clothing just because she can, though…” Her voice grew quieter with every syllable said. I nodded and pointed to my dresser and the closet door.

She went to the dresser first and picked out a white V-neck. She then rummaged through my closet next to the bathroom and found a gray sweatshirt. “This is going to sound really gross,” She started. “But, do you have some clean underwear I could use? Boxers... boxer-briefs... anything really.” She didn’t give me further detail. I nodded back over to my dresser next to the door. I liked watching her move around my place. I didn’t know why I liked it, but I did.

She changed behind the bathroom door and came back out in my clothes. I could’ve gotten used to seeing her in them. Her hair now sat on top of her head in a big bun and she set her dress and undergarments next to my newly closed door. I closed it while she was changing. I wanted to feel more enclosed with her.

She got under the covers with me and rested on her back. I glanced over at her and saw the ring around her eyes from her contacts. I wondered how long they must have been on her eyes. I also wondered if they hurt. “Do your contacts hurt?” I scooted closer to her and squeezed my arm around her at her shoulders.

“Right now they do. I’ve never had them in for this long. Wanna see me take them out?” She laughed. The thought of watching someone take out their contacts both interested and disgusted me. She leapt out of my touch and skipped towards the kitchen. She came back with a big glass of water. “This probably isn’t the best for them but at least it’s something.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Ready?” I couldn’t tell if she was more excited to gross me out or to have her eyes not feel piercing pain anymore; probably both. I covered my face with my hands but looked through the sliver of space in between my fingers. I watched her take each one out on the first try and stick them into the glass of water.

I squirmed under the sheets. “That’s horrible! That’s amazing but disgusting! Never do that in front of me again!” I felt shivers go down my spine. She chuckled at my repugnance and set the glass of water onto the table next to my bed.

She slid back underneath the blankets and I pulled her close to me. Her skin was cold and I felt a chilled foot on my warm leg. “So,” I said. “Ya wear a sweatshirt and a shirt but no pants, and then ya stick your cold foot on me? What’s your logic behind this? Not that I’m upset about the no pants. Great choice.” She then turned halfway on her stomach and halfway on her side facing me. Her icy hand rested on my bare chest.

“I don’t like pants. Have you never met a girl who doesn’t like to wear pants in bed unless it’s a frozen tundra?” She slid her other hand underneath me and I felt a rush of cold skin on the middle of my back.

“Oh, plenty of girls. I’ve just never asked until now.” Every time her head moved, I got a waft of her perfume from last night. She must have sprayed it on her skin. I didn’t remember much of last night but I remember a few events.

“I don’t know to be honest. Maybe it’s just that for me, it feels kind of restricting? Why don’t you wear pants?” Her hand on my chest patted me.

“Because I don’t need pants.” I sassed her. I rubbed my eye and felt another wave of sleep coming on. I liked this. I liked feeling almost every bit of her against me; even if it was cold. She felt so little and tiny that when I drew her closer to me, I felt like I was protecting her. I didn’t mind that feeling.

Cat’s POV:

I woke up to familiar surroundings and Dalton’s arm around me. How we managed to fit onto his bed many times before and now astonished me. The covers were up above my shoulders but I knew I was naked underneath. I flashbacked to last night and tried to remember as much as I could. Danielle, that little popstar Niall, going out, getting drunk… I guess it ended here. I pondered more on last night’s events; wondering if I had made any bad decisions or promises I couldn’t keep. Well… other than the bad decision lying next to me, I couldn’t remember any.

I slowing crept up out from underneath his arm and set it back down onto the empty mattress next to him. I saw bits and pieces of clothing that belonged to me and picked them up. I quickly ran my naked body downstairs. That was a mistake. I thought back to Dalton and myself lying on his bed. I checked my phone quick to see if work needed me tonight. I had many takers. I sighed and thought of what I needed to wear. Thank God those men pay well. I grabbed some clean clothes out of my closet and set them on the tiny counter surrounding the sink in the bathroom.

Zayn’s POV:

I was in my usual position; staring at my ceiling fan and lying on my back in my big empty bed. I hadn’t slept much the night before. I couldn’t put my mind to sleep. I bit at the skin around my nails and glanced outside my bedroom window. It must have been well into the morning. I sat up out of bed and rubbed my face. I glanced over to the lamp sitting on the table adjacent to my bed. It was all white. Perrie had bought it.

I stood to my feet and yanked the cord out of the wall. I gripped the lamp in my hand and headed downstairs to the kitchen. I heard the coffee pot gurgle and walked towards the big garbage can next to my kitchen counter. I dumped the lamp into the can and grabbed a wooden rolling pin. I then proceeded to smash the glass lamp until there wasn’t much left.

I stopped and could feel my heartbeat beating rapidly. My adrenaline had skyrocketed. I tossed the rolling pin into the sink and jogged back up the stairs. I grabbed my cell phone off of its charger and shot Niall a text.

Z: Can you give me Cat’s number?

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