Chapter Twenty-Five

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Niall’s POV:

“Just park!” I shouted at the taxi driver. He had been driving just under the speed limit the whole way here.

The plane was leaving in twenty minutes. No doubt they were beginning to call out names and seat numbers. I flung the door open as hard as I could and raced to the boot. He popped the lid and I sent it up. I quickly grabbed our luggage and shut the boot with the slam.

“Go stand in line.” I kissed Danielle on the cheek and handed her my black backpack as she cast her purse over her shoulder rapidly. I watched as she paced over to the big sliding-glass doors and into the airport.

I reached for my wallet and shot a few bills at the driver. “Next time,” I felt the hot anger in my cheeks and neck. “Listen when I tell you to drive faster. Maybe ya’d get more service.” I knew that no tip was included in the wad that I tossed in his face.

I felt my phone in my deep front pocket go off. I knew that security wanted to know if we were on the plane yet. I didn’t have time to explain. I gripped at the two suitcases and rolled them inside. I spotted Danielle in line. She was getting closer to the front. I raced over to have our luggage checked in and told them I was in a hurry. They adhered to my demands and rushed the process along as fast as they could. Danielle was just hitting the front of the line when I caught up to her.

“The end of the line is back there.” A larger black woman sassed and eyed me up and down.

“I’m with her. Look, we’re in a massive hurry. Our flight is leaving in a few minutes. Please just let me through.” I flashed my blue eyes at her. I knew not the shade of blue they possessed at the moment, but I understood the power in which they held. My mother told me almost every day how many hearts I would break with them.

“Fine.” She brought her lips together. I whipped out my passport and she asked me a few quick questions. When she compared the picture and me with my name, her eyebrows raised. Not now. “Go ahead.” She motioned her head to the conveyor belt.

I helped Danielle with my heavy backpack which rested on her tiny shoulders while she took off her purse and shoes. We made it through customs as fast as we could. I checked our tickets and led the way to our gate while I held onto her hand. I didn’t want to lose her in the crowd of people. Her little legs could hardly keep up with me.

There were shouts from angry lads that we bumped into and screeches of acknowledgement from girls as we quickly jogged by their whereabouts. I hoped our gate wasn’t much farther. My head ached from the hangover and my stomach felt empty from the shortage of food. If my head was in pain, I’m sure Danielle’s was too. She was doing so well. She wasn’t one to complain.

We almost jogged past our gate, and I nearly leapt up in excitement when I saw the plane was still there. We raced up to the front desk, a tall clerk stood there waiting for us.

“Niall Horan?” She asked. Her face flushed. I nodded my head and handed her both of our tickets. She ripped off what she needed and handed us the remaining bits.

I opened the heavy door with haste and let Danielle enter before me. She paced down the long open hall and I caught up to her, my hand resting on her hip. I guided her to our seats and let her in before me. She sat down and handed her purse to me. I put it in the compartment above along with my black backpack. We buckled up as I felt the plane starting to move in reverse. The lights flicked off and the pilot began to speak. I ignored all of what he had to say and instead, whispered into Danielle’s ear.

“You’re perfect, ya know that, right?” She leaned her ear closer to my lips. I watched her roll her eyes. “No, really. Ya don’t complain. Ya do what I ask. Ya didn’t interfere when I was having it with that lame ass taxi driver.” She giggled when I whispered the last few words… “How does breakfast sound?” I trailed my fingers across the soft skin on her arm once the plane was in the air.

“I think that sounds great.” She used her best Irish impression. I elbowed her in the ribs.

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