Chapter Sixty-Seven

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Danielle’s POV:

Because of the surprise from Eleanor’s baby shower, no one noticed the new ring on my finger. I couldn’t say that it bothered me because it really didn’t.

I liked the fact that Niall and I had kept things quiet for the past few days.

Of course Eleanor was overly dramatic when she showed everyone at the party the room Cat and I worked on. I didn’t believe Louis was actually paying attention when El showed him the room. I think he was still in shock.

People patted me on the back and told me what a great job I did on the room. I told them I couldn’t have done it without Cat’s help. Too bad she was sick.

Niall reached for my hand and ran his thumb over the ring he gave me. “Have ya told anyone yet?” He mumbled. I handed him his burger which we picked up on the way home after a day of shopping.

“Not yet,” I replied. “But I was thinking of telling Cat fairly soon. I know you guys will be getting busy again…”

“Yeah, we will be. I jus’ figured you would have told her by now. And besides, after that, I’m gonna tell my folks.” He took a bite.

“I will soon.” I snatched a few of his fries.

“Are ya gonna tell your folks?” He asked between chewing.

“I’m sure I will. But I can’t say they’ll come.” I sipped on my pop.

“Let’s go back t’ Ireland. Can we?” Niall blurted.

“I was kind of thinking of holding the wedding there…”

“I really don’t care where we go. I jus’ know that my mum would love t’ see me get married there.” Such a momma’s boy.

“It’s beautiful there. And I’m sure Denise is going to want to be a part of this somehow. I figured I would let her.”

“Have ya thought about it a lot?” He was already halfway through his sandwich.

“When I was younger I thought I knew every last detail of what I wanted my wedding to look like… but right now, all I know is that I want it to be small. Just a nice dress, family, friends, and maybe a bouquet.” I envisioned the event in my head.

“And a bunch of food afterwards!” Niall laughed.

“And a bunch of food afterwards.” I agreed. We were both silent for a while. “Do you want a ring?” I asked. I really wasn’t sure what he wanted.

“Eh, I would say yes considering that’s the tradition. But to be honest, no. I feel like I would lose it.” I nodded my head. “But I know my mum would want me to have one… and I would only wear it when I go out, if that’s okay with ya…” He glanced over at me.

“I think that sounds perfect. What do you want?” I took a big bite of my burger.

“Get me whatever ya want. I’ll be happy no matter what.” He winked.


“Kitty Cat!” I shouted as I entered the front door. Zayn was sick of being told to leave the door unlocked when he knew I was coming over; so he made me a spare key. I didn’t know if that was a good or a bad thing.

“Dani!” I heard Cat yell from the living room. I kicked off my shoes and hung my coat in the closet near the door.

I plopped down next to her on the couch. She handed me her bowl of popcorn. “Wait. I have news.”

“Is this good or bad news?”

“It’s good.”

“Okay! Shoot!” She sat on her legs.

I showed her my hand adorned with the shiny ring. She brought her hands to her mouth but made no noise. Finally she uttered a statement. “Holy shit!”

“I know, right?!” I replied.

“Holy shit!” She exclaimed once more. Hercules barked. “Did he just do it? How did he do it? Oh my God!” She grabbed my hand and eyed the ring. I felt her hot breath on my skin.

“He actually did it the day of Eleanor’s baby – “

“Damn! I wasn’t there!” She cut me off.

“I know! After everyone found out that El was having twins – “

“She’s having twins?!”

“Did Zayn not tell you? Am I the only one who keeps you up to date on these kinds of things?”

“Two girls? Two boys?” Her eyes were wide.

“A girl and a boy!”

“How did Louis react?” She grinned.

“He was shocked. We still don’t know if he was playing dumb the whole time El was prego though…” I shook my head.

“So, anyway! How did he do it?” She ran her fingers over the jewels.

“He brought me outside saying that he wanted to eat our cake out there. I obviously knew something was up! But I was too busy freaking out over the news… so he just got down on one knee and proposed.” Cat gave my hand back to me.

“What did he say?”

“I honestly can’t remember much of it. But he was flushed and shakey.”

“The ring is gorgeous.”

“I’m in love with it.”

“Grab some wine from the pantry! Time to celebrate!” Cat cheered. I got to my feet and did as she said.

“To boys,” She clinked her glass with mine. We hardly ever cheered over a glass of wine. “They may be ignorant and stupid, but when they get it right, they get it right.” Cat finished.

“Here here!” I agreed. We each took a drink.

We were both silent for a moment. “Are you scared? Or nervous?” Cat’s voice was low.

“A bit of both.” I replied.

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