Chapter Fifty-Four

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Niall’s POV:

My alarm went off and it was far too loud and far too early to even be awake. I shut it off and groggily reached over for Danielle. When I found nothing, I sat up in bed. “Danielle?” I called out. I heard a loud clang in the kitchen and whispers.

I quickly put my feet to the floor and dashed out of the bedroom. The light above the stove was on and it was too bright for my eyes. God, my head hurt. I saw Danielle in one of my baggy t-shirts. She was crouched on the tile picking up something. “What ‘re ya doin’?” I asked. I must have scared her because she jolted and put her hand to her chest.

“God, Niall. You scared me.” She huffed and looked up at me.

“What ‘re ya doin’?” I repeated.

“Umm… nothing. Why don’t you go get ready and stay out of the kitchen? I’ll make you an early breakfast if you leave. How does that sound?” Her words were running together. It was too early to try to fit the pieces of the puzzle together.

“Umm… okay.” I turned around and headed for the bathroom.

I was in mid-shower when things clicked. I ran out of the bathroom naked and stood in the doorway of the bedroom, looking out at the kitchen. “What are you doing?” Danielle laughed. My body was soaking wet and a bit cold.

“You’re makin’ me a T’anksgivin’ meal, aren’t ya?” I grinned. I knew I was right.

“Right now I’m making you breakfast. Just make sure you’re home before midnight.” She replied.

“You’re makin’ me a T’anksgivin’ meal.” I repeated and chuckled.

“Go finish washing your hair, Horan.”


I sat down at the table and watched Danielle move around the kitchen. I loved that she was still in my t-shirt and had no pants on. I couldn’t believe that she was up at this hour in the morning. She was usually still sound asleep while I scarfed down food; if I had time.

She had her glasses on and her hair was a bit messy. “Did we?” I asked while she poured me a cup of tea.

“Last night? Yes.” There were few lights on in the room, but I saw her face flush. She turned away before I had the chance to get a better look. I nodded my head when she returned with a plate of eggs and bacon.

“You’re the best, ya know that, right?”

“I do.” Danielle teased. She then came back with a bowl of cereal and her own cup of tea. “Do you want me to make you anything else?” She asked. I muffled a no through a mouthful of food.

After I finished my breakfast, I grabbed a coat from the closet by the door. “You’ll be home before midnight?” Danielle asked. She stood on her tiptoes and pecked me on the lips. Her arms rested on my shoulders while her fingers toyed with the ends of my hair and tugged on the back of my neck.

“I plan on bein’ here a lot earlier than that.” I replied.

Her eyebrows rose. “What time?”

“I guess you’ll have t’ plan your meal accordingly.”  I teased.

“You’re not funny, Niall.” She pouted. I kissed her again.

“I’ll tell ya when I’m on my way. Want me t’ pick up somethin’ along the way? Wine? Beer?”

“What makes you think we’re having dinner?” She sassed.

“Ya know I’m right.” I reached for the doorknob. “See ya later, babe.”

Danielle’s POV:

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