Chapter Twenty

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Niall’s POV:

I heard a shuffle of feet outside our locked hotel door. My eyes shot open and my senses became acutely aware. There were giggles and low voices. The people eventually passed and I heard the ding of an elevator down the hall. The air outside of our room became quiet again.

I went to shift onto my stomach from my back but was stopped by a tiny body. Danielle was curled up next to me, her face buried into my side. A stray hand lay on top of my bare chest. I tried to look at her through the darkness but struggled to make out exactly how she lay. Her soft hair was placed upon the other half of my pillow. Her side of the bed was absent of her body. I didn’t mind. I turned my head to look at the time. It was early morning. I rubbed my free hand over my face and through my greasy hair. I knew that tomorrow we would be on our way back to London.  I didn’t want this time to end. I didn’t want this moment to end.

She was so still and peaceful. I could feel her heavy breaths on my skin. Her hand twitched and scratched at the skin on my stomach. She must’ve been dreaming. I closed my eyes and sleep enraptured me once more.

Harry’s POV:

I swore to myself that I wouldn’t do this again. I sat up from the mess of sheets and gave my hair a quick shake. She sprawled out on her stomach; her naked body lay beneath the sheets. She was sound asleep. The window in front of me was open. The moonlight beamed through it and the sheer curtains that tried to keep her place private. I stood to my feet and put my dirty clothes back on.

She wasn’t a girlfriend. She wasn’t a friend. She was a stranger. She was someone who I had only just met. Her name… Jenny? Julia? J… J… My mind went blank. I glanced back over to her as I fastened my belt and slipped on my shoes. She was beautiful. I hated myself for this.

Zayn’s POV:

I turned over to meet my body with hers but instead, I felt the cool air. My eyelashes fluttered open to an empty bed. It had been a good year since Perrie and I had separated. I still woke up thinking that she was there.

I turned over onto my back and gave a sigh. I stared at the high ceiling and played with the necklace that usual hid beneath my shirt. It was early morning. I wondered where she was or what she was doing. I bet she was up watching something on the telly. No doubt she was sipping on a hot cup of tea. When we were together and she would wonder off downstairs in her sleepless night, I would usually wake and join her. Sleeping wasn’t the same if her fragile body wasn’t next to mine. She would be curled up with a blanket and her feet would be tucked under the cushions of the couch to keep warm. I remember walking over to her and kissing her on the cheek. I’m sure the press had no idea how much she struggled with sleep. No one really knew except for me.

I replayed my frail memories of her in my mind while I rubbed my gruff face and played with the short hairs that surrounded my chin and jawbone. The fan in my bedroom ran in slow circles.

Danielle’s POV:

Sunlight cascaded along the tan walls of the hotel room. I knew that the day was already up and running. I stretched my leg but bumped into a warm long body. I opened my eyes even more and looked to my right. Niall lay on his back with his lips parted. Deep breaths escaped his mouth. The mop on his head parted every which way. My hand grazed at the soft skin on his middle. My body snuggled up against him. Curse my inner cuddler. His body shifted and stirred beneath the sheets. I inched myself away from him as he turned over onto his stomach. I lay on my right side and faced him. He sighed.

“Done with the cuddling, eh?” His voice was deep and sarcastic. I rolled my eyes at him. “Seems that the only one you need to worry about is yourself.” He chuckled into the pillow.

Cat’s POV:

I unlocked the door to my place and hurried inside. All I wanted to do was sleep. I undressed out of the ratty provocative clothing and into a pair of sweats and a tank top. I shuffled into the bathroom for a quick pee but saw there was no more toilet paper. Damn. I hurried myself and my full bladder up the memory-filled stairs and down the hall. I passed by Dalton’s room and opened the squeaky door to the closet. No toilet paper. Ugh. I tiptoed over to his closed door and knocked lightly. Music played inside. I sighed and turned the doorknob.

His room looked exactly the same… except for the girl lying in his bed with him. His back faced me. I walked over to him and shook his shoulder. He was still. I shook again, this time more vigorously and he stirred.

“Dalton.” I whispered. He turned towards me.

“Miss me?” He smirked.

“For once, could you not be such a wanker?” My tone was harsh but my voice was low. “Nevermind, asshole.” I turned around and walked out.

I stole some napkins from the unused kitchen and stormed back downstairs. I took a quick pee and scrubbed the remains of what used to be makeup off of my face. I got under the covers and huffed into my pillow. Arrogant son of a-

“Cat?” His familiar voice rang through the idle house. I opened my eyes. He stood a couple feet away from me. I closed my eyes and put my back to him. “I’m sorry. I am a wanker. No wonder you wanted and still want nothing to do with me.” He said.

Niall’s POV:

I heard running water and a small voice from inside the bathroom walls. I glanced over to the other side of the bed and found a missing body. I got to my feet and stretched. I needed to wee so badly.

Instead, I busied myself with the hotel phone. I called the front desk and told the morning clerk of our continental breakfast that was promised the night before. I asked for it to be sent to our room and she said it would be about twenty minutes. I hung up the phone just as the water turned off. I looked down at myself sitting in the wooden chair. I was still in my boxer briefs. I slugged on a pair of sweats and waited anxiously for the bathroom door to open. I flipped through the channels and browsed through old text messages and my Twitter feed at the same time. The door opened and out popped Danielle. She rung her wet hair out with a towel and sat on the bed next to me.

“Is the bathroom free?” I asked. She nodded her head and I ran off to the toilet.


I eyed the feast before me and couldn’t decide what to eat first. Danielle still sat with her wet hair, but managed to put in her contacts and swipe on a little mascara. I could tell that she wanted a lazy day. Although, that wasn’t what I had planned. Bacon crunched in her mouth as she poured orange juice into her own cup. I sat with a mug of hot tea before me and an empty plate. I let her pick what she wanted first. I planned on consuming all of what was left.

She filled up her plate and took a big gulp of her orange juice while I started to load mine.

“I don’t mean to be nosy…” She started. “But I was wondering how you did with going between houses when you were younger.” She poured a hot cup of black coffee and set it next to her glass of orange juice. “You don’t have to answer.”

“Eh…” I gathered my words. “It was difficult at times. Chris wasn’t always there for me. Neither was my dad. But, my mom and Greg always tried to make the most of what we had. I could tell that my mom didn’t want to lose me. I didn’t want to lose her.” I was being real with her. I trusted her. She nodded her head.

“I was just wondering.” Her eyes were sad. She didn’t want to hurt or offend me.

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