Chapter 6: Beach

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After returning from my walk, I noticed everyone was awake now. Kat was fumbling around with the tent zipper, sleepily yawning every now and then. "Need some help?" I jogged over. "Yeah actually I-" and the zipper slid open. "Never mind" Kat shrugged. "Okay." I laughed.

Our conversation was interrupted by Jordan. "Guys! Guys! Can we explore a little?" He jumped around excitedly. "Of course!" That woke Kat up a bit. "Sweet!" Todd returned, rubbing his hands together with delight. "So when are we going?" Cody jogged over. I tightened my French braids. "Now?" Kat raised an eyebrow. "Yes!" Malory smiled. "Okay." I shrugged.

We began our walk, effortlessly making our way through the thick blades of grass. I walked near Paris, Jessica and Beatrice. Jessica was texting someone on her phone. "You've been on your phone a lot lately." Beatrice raised an eyebrow. "So?" She snapped. "Really, Jessica. What's your deal?" Paris stomped. "I don't have a... You know what, your my deal!" Jessica threw her hands up in the air. "How am I a problem? All you ever do is talk to Ian now, how could you possibly have time to have a problem with me?" Paris snapped back. Jessica shoved her sister, Paris. Paris stumbled back, tripping over a log. She stood up quickly, pushing Jessica. Jessica dropped her phone onto the ground. "Really, Paris? God, I hate you!" She complained, picking up her phone. I sat in awkward silence. "Well than maybe you should stop paying so much attention to Ian and notice that we exist, too! Who are you texting, Ian?" Paris screamed. "Yes! Yes I am texting Ian because he's my boyfriend!" Jessica got in Paris's face. Beatrice stepped between the two. "Guys, stop!" She whined. But it was no use, they just kept arguing. "Look, Jessica she has a point. It's like you don't have time for us anymore." I admitted. That just made Jessica madder. "Fine! I'll just go tell Ian you guys don't like him then! Not that it matters!" She threatened. "Are you serious, Jessica?" Beatrice's face twisted from innocence to fury. "I never said I didn't like him!" I yelled at her. "Sure, sure! Go ahead and play innocent." She screamed. I felt the sudden urge to lash out at her, my fingers tingling with rage. But I didn't. "That's it Jessica! Let me explain something to you! If you ruin our friendship we have spent years building over a guy then maybe we just aren't meant to be friends! When you guys break up, who do you think will be there? Us or him? Exactly. So don't go and pretend like we don't matter because if we don't than that's fine, that's something I can live with!" I exploded, storming off to the rest of the group.

I ended up walking next to Cody, replaying everything that had just happened. "Yeah, I get it. Ian never talks to me and the guys anymore all because he's obsessed over Jessica. I mean don't get me wrong, it's great things are working out but it's one thing to spend time with your girlfriend and another to throw everything else away for your girlfriend." He admitted. "Exactly what I have been trying to say." I agreed with him. "I know, and it sucks because we are like... Really close and now he literally rarely ever says a word to me all because he's too busy talking to Jessica. I can't even invite him to my house without him FaceTiming her for three quarters of the time." Cody ranted. Cody and I ranted on our situation a little while longer.

Eventually, we had finally seen water between the trees. We had made it to a beach. It wasn't quite like San Diego beach, but nothing could top that. The sand squished between my toes, my shoes now in my hand. Ian led the way, texting Jessica every few moments. They were at the same place and yet they still had to have their own private conversation. I sighed with frustration.

Paris skipped beside me, tossing me a volleyball. "Wanna play?" She asked. "Yeah!" I imagined slipping my game face on. It was a match between boys and girls, those who weren't playing, watched. On one side was Jasper, Cody, Jordan, Todd, Zack and Ian. On mine, was Beatrice, Kat, Maya, Paris, Alaina and I. I played middle back, tossing the ball to Kat so she could serve. Tossing the ball upward, her hand struck the ball, causing it to fly onto the guys side. Cody bumped it to Todd to set to Zack so he could spike it over, I dropped to my knees and slid as the ball connected with my hands just in time. I bumped it up, sending it back over. We played for hours until the beating sun became too much. We all clumsily entered the cool waters of the beach. Time passed quickly and soon enough, the sun was low in the sky creating vibrant pink and orange streaks across the skyline. I floated on my back in the water, gazing at the now appearing stars.

No matter where we are, no matter what is going on, I will always be happy as long as I'm with these people. They mean the world to me and make every moment of my life worth living. I couldn't regret a second spent with any of them. And as much as I would hate to admit it, I'd eventually forgive Jessica. Losing anyone here with me, would be like losing a piece of my soul.

Pheonix paddled over, swiftly gliding through the soft waves. "Hey, Ads." She smiled. "Hi." I flashed a smile in return. "Do you think that in the future, any of this will change?" She asked curiously. "What do you mean by that?" I asked softly. "I mean... Us. Everyone here right now, do you think we will be friends in the future and go on trips like these and trips like California?" Pheonix bit her lip. "There's no doubt in my mind that seven, eight, ten, or a hundred, or maybe even a thousand years from this very moment, we will all be together." I reassured her. No matter what, I thought.

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