Chapter 36: Karaoke

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     I woke up the next day, alarm buzzing in my brain. Clumsily fumbling around with it, I tiresomely found the button to turn it off. With a click, everything was silent. Rolling onto my back, I groan as I rub my eyes.

     After a few moments of waking up, I finally convinced myself to get out of bed and get ready. My friends and I had planned to go out to eat at some karaoke place, something we don't usually do. After straightening my hair, I applied some concealer to my under eye bags and headed to my closet to pick out an outfit. I found myself in ripped boyfriend jeans and a white t-shirt, along with a new pair of sunglasses I got. Sliding into a new pair of white converse, I was ready for the day.

     I shot Kat a text, letting her know I was about to leave. Grabbing my keys, I jog down the stairs, waving my father goodbye. He smiled and waved goodbye in return and soon, I was out the door. My feet hit the jagged ground as I shuffled over to the jeep my dad had now given me for my own, and clicked unlock. I slid the door open, hopping into the drivers seat. Turning the key in the ignition, the engine purred. Revving it once, I fastened my seatbelt. Cranking up the music, I pulled out of my driveway.

     I drove, the base buzzing into my brain. I had a good feeling about tonight. One of my other friends unlike usual, would be there too. Anaisha Rosas was medium height, she had long dark brown hair and long eyelashes. She had brown eyes and peachy skin. She was considerably popular, but she didn't act like it around my friends and I. She was herself around us.

     If I'm being honest, I was always jealous of her. Once, Jake tried talking to her and that made it worse. I look back now and think of how stupid I was for letting him get to me. Now, I had my eye for better things. Like Aidan, for example. But anyways, I always thought Anaisha was better than me. Prettier than me, better at sports than me, skinnier than me, curvier than me, just a better version of me. I don't let it get to me as much as I used to, though. All in all, she was really cool and I loved hanging out with her so my jealousy lessened the more I did.

     Pulling into the parking lot, I slid my jeep in between two other cars. My seatbelt unbuckled as I hopped out the door, locking it behind me. Half skipping, I flung open the doors to the restaurant. A waitress greeted me with a smile. "Hello, how may I help you today?" She asked enthusiastically. "Oh, my friends are already here in the karaoke area. They might've reserved me a spot?" I asked with uncertainty. "Oh, of course! Adeline Marrose?" She asked. "That's me." I smile. "Okay, I'll take you to your table." She tucked her notebook under her arm, heading to the table. We snaked around a few corners and tables, eventually reaching a door. It read, "karaoke section," and I realized how excited I was. Opening the door, she continued on her way. We carefully slipped through groups of people, dodging huge herds and tables. Eventually, we reached a table full of my friends, all of them laughing and having a great time. "Here you are." She smiled and waved me goodbye. "Thank you!" I called to her.

     Turning back to my friends, Anaisha handed me a cup of water. "I know how your trying to be healthy and all, so I didn't want to rub a bunch of drinks in your face." She smiled friendlily. "Thanks." I laugh, nodding to her. Sipping on the water, the noise of the room swallowed me. Music rumbled from each corner, a stage in the center. A young girl stood up there, nervously twiddling her fingers at her side as she stood stiffly singing the words on the screen. I listen to her trembling voice as the crowd roared. She wasn't too bad, I could bear listening.

     Interpreting my surroundings, I noticed things. Things like Cody and Kat whispering to each other as he gripped her thigh below the table. Or like Paris, Malory and Beatrice letting loose on the dance floor as the flipped their hair in every direction, or even Jasper, Zack, Maya and Renee sitting in the corner as they sip their drinks and rate the singers. They nodded every few moments or shook their head. Still scanning, I notice Todd, Alaina, Max, Anaisha and Jessica scattered around the table as they laugh, telling stories and jokes. It was all in some way, perfect.

     Todd nudged Cody, whispering in his ear. Cody changed his attention from Kat, peering up at Todd. Raising an eyebrow, Todd seemed to be convincing Cody of something. "No way." I heard Cody whisper as he shook his head with nervousness. Kat rested her head on his shoulder, listening to their conversation quietly. "C'mon man, we are actually good! It'll be good for us to try!" Todd enthusiastically barked. Grabbing my drink, I walked over and took a seat near them. "So what's goin' on?" I asked, sipping my drink with curiosity. "Cody won't go up there and rap with me for even one song and he's really good but he just doesn't realize it and it's holding him back from meeting his true potential and I know for a fact that he does at least even a little bit, want to go up on stage and perform with me in front of a hype crowd. He's too nervous and doesn't think he can do it but I know he can, you heard him that one day in the music room, huh? Tell him." Todd ranted. "You won't? Cody your really good, you shouldn't be nervous to go up there. Besides, your probably never going to see any of these people ever again. If I go up there first, will you?" I offered. Cody considered, his face deep in thought. "Fine. Only if you go first." He declared. "Deal." I nodded, heading over to Paris, leaving the shocked faces on Kat, Cody and Todd. They didn't expect that, I triumphantly thought to myself.

     Once I reached Paris, I began speaking quickly. "Hey Paris, really long story that I don't feel like telling, but can you go on stage with me and sing a song so that I sound better mixed with your voice like we used to do when we were kids because I just told everyone I would and I'm kind of freaking out." I continued, slurring my words. "Woah, calm down. Of course I will." She laughed. "Great, thank you!" I sighed with relief. Paris grabbed my wrist, pulling me over to the DJ booth where we began telling the DJ what song we wanted to do. He nodded, letting us know we were next. Paris nodded, the fact that she didn't seem the least bit nervous amazing me. She stood still, nodding her head to the beat as I stood awkwardly to the side, twiddling with my fingers and nervously biting my lip. Soon, our name was called and I found myself walking up the stage steps. Once I was in the center, I looked out to the crowd. They all screamed and cheered and hollered, adrenaline rushing through my veins. Paris handed me a microphone as the music picked up.

     The rest I was blurred out of, all I remember was standing on stage and the words suddenly flowing from my mouth, echoing all over the room. I heard Paris beside me, my heart thumping in my chest. I had heard myself sing before and I knew I was not very good but Malory, Paris, Beatrice and Jessica were the only friends I had ever sung for before and they all told me that I was really good but I never believed them. I couldn't read the crowds faces, mostly because I don't remember but also because I was too busy waiting for the song to be over. Finally the music ended, I gulped as I exited the stage. I heard the crowd cheering behind me, though I knew it was probably for Paris.

     Eventually, I made it back to the table, handing Cody a mic. "You and Todd are up next." I nodded to him, still catching my breath from singing last. Kat smiled at me, shaking her head. "First off, great job! Second, thank you. I know I get jealous of you a lot for hanging out with Cody, but I know he needs you. Especially for times like this, I know I couldn't have convinced him to do it." She nodded gratefully towards me. "Anytime." I smile in return. It meant a lot for her to say that.

     I peered up at the stage as Cody nervously trudged to the center, Todd confidently strolling beside him. I cheered them on as loud as possible as the crowd roared. Cody flipped his hair, shaking his head as he hid his smile. Todd nudged him and the music began.

     I listened to the words they spoke in a quick rhythm. I listened to the beat and admired every second in it. The nervousness in Cody's voice had disappeared and he seemed more comfortable. It was great to see him finally face his fears, along with Todd. They both amazed me, them being equally good at spitting their bars. Kat gazed up, admiring her boyfriend. I smiled to myself, knowing that tonight was a success. The song came to an end as they handed off their microphones and strolled back to the table. Cody rushed over, his eyes wild. "That was such a rush! I had been holding that in for so long!" He sputtered. "Dude, chill. We were great, weren't we?" Todd asked me. "You guys were amazing!" I squealed as Cody hugged Kat with nervousness. She squeezed back. Once they unlocked, Cody turned to me. "You were really good, too. Thank you for convincing me to do that." He nodded to me with sincerity. "As I said, anytime." I laughed, taking another sip on my drink.

      The night went on, the music flowing through The ears of each of my friends. I couldn't imagine a better life to live.

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