Chapter 37: Car Wash

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I had made it home safely, morning came fast. I found myself rolling over to the sun shining through my window. Squinting my eyes, I stretched my legs. Groaning, I placed my feet carefully onto the soft wood floors. The boards creaking beneath my feet, I rub my eyes.

I had signed up for the school car wash, Paris was hosting it so I didn't get much of a choice. Kat, Jessica, Anaisha, Cody, Todd, Aidan and our old friend Ian had decided to, as well. A few other people were, too but I didn't know them very well. Throwing on a tank top and pairing it with a long cardigan, I slid on a pair of high waisted shorts, tucking in the tank top. Pulling my hair into a loose messy bun, I slid my feet into ankle high heeled boots. Adjusting the flowery cardigan, I glanced in the mirror. Nodding to myself, I smiled with confidence knowing that from now on this day forward, I had decided that the only opinion that mattered to me was my own as far as how I looked.

The school year was almost over by now, spring officially taking over the weather. Outside my window, the sun glistened over the soft green grass, flowers sprouting neatly in a line below my window. Throwing my bathing suit into my book bag along with a few books, I was out the door.

Recently, I was changing my outlook on things. Looking back at how I used to be, life wasn't too great. Whether I was running through a field screaming or punching a tree or something stupid like that, every time I thought back to how life was before, all I remembered were those gut wrenching feelings. Recently however, I could look back to the past few weeks and do nothing but smile to myself for how happy and thankful I am for my life nowadays.

I had never been the optimistic type. Until now, of course. Sure I had my moments when I could be the worst pessimist you had ever met, but mostly now I was an optimist. It felt great. Honestly though, I wouldn't change the past to happiness. Those moments made me who I was now and for that, I was thankful.

Hugging my dad and waving my step mom goodbye, I found myself strolling down my driveway, my shoes clicking beneath me as I hop into the jeep and turn the key to get the engine running. Setting my book bag in the passenger seat, I switched the jeep into reverse, pulling out of the driveway. Soon enough, I was on my way to school.

Passing the familiar houses I used to walk past along the way, I noticed the lives around mine. An old man sat outside, watering his colorful flowers, a lady across the street letting her German Shepard out her front door, a mailman pulling over to place someone's mail into their mail box, Jake and his mom discussing something unreadable outside before Jake takes a seat in the drivers side of their convertible, a little girl and a little boy playing tag a few houses down. Everything was so lively. Smiling to myself once more, I assured myself how how good the day will soon be.

Eventually, I found myself meeting my group of friends in their usual spot just outside the school doors, gathered by a small cluster of trees. Other groups of people were spaced out here and there, slightly apart from us. Kat sat beside Cody on a bench between two trees, Cody's arm around her as Kat explains her excitement for the car wash. Paris holding a clip board, carefully explains to Todd his orders on setting up right after school. I smile and nod to them, now standing between Jasper and Beatrice. "Hey, Ads!" Zack greets me friendlily. "Hey guys." I smirk. The bell ringing, each of us making our way up the school stairs. Once we entered the doors, we all took separate directions towards our lockers.

After gathering my things in my locker, I met Kat at hers to walk to our first class together. "So are you excited for summer?" She squealed. "Yes! Sophomore year has gone by so fast, I can't believe it." I shook my head. "I know, right!" Cody appeared from behind me, jumping into the conversation with a laugh. "Hey, darling." Kat smirked as her eyes twinkled with Cody's. "Hey, gotta go. I'm gonna be late." Cody kissed her forehead as he rushed down the hallway. "See ya." She waved him goodbye. "Okay well I'm gonna meet you at class." I nod to her, walking down the hallway.

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