Chapter 40: Change

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When morning came, everything felt different. It was like I was a totally new person, with different thoughts and emotions than the old Adeline. It was an odd feeling that I was unsure how to get used to.

Kat and I had planned to go on a photography trip years ago. It had finally come, today was the day we would hike up Swansville's mountain and take many creative photos with our new cameras. I had packed a few nights before, my camera bag ready and sitting by my door. Still in sweatpants and a tank top, I made my way to my closet. Suddenly, I heard a tapping noise coming from my bedroom window.

Turning my head to the side, I cautiously made my way to the glass. And there he stood. Jake in the center of my yard, reached for yet another tiny pebble from my flower garden and pulled his arm back, ready to launch. Before he let go of the stone, our eyes met. Looking relieved, he sighs. I slide open my window, leaning out slightly. "What are you doing?" I conceal my laughter. "I wanted to know if you were busy. I miss you." He grinned. "Dude, we just saw each other less than twenty-four hours ago and your already throwing rocks at my window?" I giggle. "Well would you rather me not?" He joked. "No, just knock on my door, you weirdo." I shake my head. Shutting my window, I turn to head down the stairs.

Once reaching the door, I turn the knob and there he was. Greeted by his smiling face, I motion him in. Everyone was still asleep in my house so I put my finger to my lips. We quietly tip toe up the stairs and into my bedroom. Him shutting the door behind us, he sighs with relief. "I still missed you, Adeline." He shrugged. "Well for your information, your going to have to keep missing me because Kat and I have made plans." I bite my lip. "What? Man!" He sighs, grabbing my hands. Taking a deep breath, I try to get used to the fact that him and I were together. "Your just going to have to make the day without me." I smirk. "But what if I can't?" He asks, lightly tapping my nose before taking a seat on my bed. "You can, trust me. You've made it this long." I groan. "What about tomorrow?" He naturally raised an eyebrow. "My friends and I are supposed to meet up under the town bridge and hang out for a bit. Kinda like a party, if you wanna go with?" I ask him, tying my hair into a pony tail. "What if I want to be with you now?" He asks as he stands up, placing his hands on my hips to pull me closer. I wrap my hands around his, still at my hips. "Your just going to have to suck it up." I flick an eyebrow, removing his hands from my hips and bringing him in for a hug. "Not fair." He groans. "And I care why?" I pull away from him and turn back to my closet. "Because you care about me?" He looked unsure. I turn back to him, looking him in the eye. "Fine." I answer matter of factly. "You have to go soon, though. I have to get ready." I added. "Fine, also I will go to that party with you." He smiles, shaking his head at the ground. "Awesome. You want me to let you out?" I ask him, nodding at the door. "No that's okay, I got it." He states, heading for the door. "I love you, baby girl." He flirts before opening the door. My hands freeze at my hangers, swallowing hard. He said the words. Did he mean them?

"You mean it?" I unfreeze all of a sudden, looking at him once more. He stares at me in disbelief. "Of course I do." He assures me, gliding closer to me before we are inches apart. I steady my breaths before he pulls me in for a hug. "I love you, too." I breath into his chest. His heartbeat thumped quickly in my ear. "I'm glad." He whispers before turning to my door and slipping from my grip. And then he was gone.

Returning to reality, I shake my head and calm my nerves before returning to my closet. The feeling I felt, it was unfamiliar. I was scared, I had something to lose. It's like all those heartbreak and love songs finally made sense. Like a piece of a puzzle I had forgotten about had suddenly just appeared in place and made everything make more sense. I wasn't used to how I felt, I didn't know if it was good or bad. I was scared to get hurt again, scared to trust him. But I did, I trusted him. I believed the words he said. I felt confused for a moment. Like I was stuck in between the old me screaming at me "DON'T LEAVE ME BEHIND, ADELINE! YOUR FORGETTING ME!" Which really freaked me out, to the new me tugging at my arm, encouraging me to leave the old me behind. It was a scary feeling that was hard to stomach.

After what felt like forever, I finished getting ready. Now in a pair of black sport shorts, baggy t-shirt and running shoes, I was ready to climb. I was ready to leave the old me behind. My pony tail bounced as I slung the bag over my shoulder and slip out of my bedroom.

On my way out of my house, I swiftly sweep up my water bottle. Today was a hot day, I had to be prepared for anything. Kat already parked in my driveway, I slide into the passenger side. "Ready?" Kat asked. "Yep." I state before buckling my seatbelt. As we are pulling out of the driveway, I notice Kat awkwardly glancing at me. "What?" I blurt out. "What, what?" She asks innocently. "What's with the looks?" I ask her suspiciously. "What's with Jake sneaking out of your house this early?" She speaks suddenly, her eyes widening as she realizes what she said. "Whoops, sorry. I didn't mean to be nosy." She shakes her head. Pressing my lips together, I stare at her in disbelief. "You don't think him and I-" I trail off. "Well, am I wrong?" She eyes me. "Oh my gosh, Kat! No, we didn't!" I laugh, slugging her shoulder lightly. "Oh, thank god." She lets out her breath. "But we are dating." I mumble quickly. "Your what?!?" She slams on the breaks as we fly forward, our seat belts locking. "What the hell Kat! You can't just do that!" I calm myself, catching my breath. "You and Jake?" She stares at me, her eyes wide. "Yes, we are together." I assure her. "Really?" She speaks again. "Yeah." I look away from her, shrugging. "For real?" She eyes me with uncertainty. "Yes, for real! We are together." I say, lightly tapping the dashboard with my fingers, notifying her to go. "Whoops, sorry." She glances at the car behind us, pressing the gas.

After a few silent minutes of driving, Kat looks at me again. "I can't believe that." She shakes her head. I groan dramatically as I roll my eyes. "Adeline and Jake... Who would've thought?" She states, amazed. "Yep. No one." I sigh. "What about Aidan?" She gasps. "What about him?" I fold my arms. "You guys were doing so good." She bites her lip. "Yeah, well I've made up my mind." I state. "Don't get me wrong, I'm all for you and Jake. I am just curious. Do you still like Aidan?" She asks curiously. "Kat. I can't answer that question, it's not right. No, my eyes are all on Jake." I groan, laughing. "Cute. You guys are cute. I have always shipped you guys." She exclaims. "How sweet." I smirk at her.

We pulled into the parking lot at the base of the mountain like hill and begin our hike. Trees are scattered in every direction, a dirt trail leading upwards. We turned a few corners here and there, leaves crunching beneath our feet. "Have you guys kissed?" Kat gets back to the Jake topic. I eye her. "Yes." I state blankly. "Really?" She stares in awe. "It took Cody and I almost three months!" She adds. "Yeah, well you and Cody also started dating in middle school, might I remind you." I raise an eyebrow, taking a swig of water before wiping my forehead. "True." She breathes heavily.

After an hour or so, we reached the top. Snaking around a sharp corner, the view appears. We silently admire the skyline, the clouds swiftly floating by, the reddish orange of the sun brightening up our faces, our eyes glimmering with excitement. My hair is blown through the wind, the leaves on the trees shaking. "It's beautiful." Kat mumbles. "Wow." I state, blinking with amazement. "Let's get these pictures." She smiles, reaching in her bag to pull out her camera. I do the same, my camera now in my hand. I adjust the lens, focusing it on a grove of trees. It snaps quietly.

Kat and I swiftly make our way back and forth throughout the top of the mountain like hill. Her and I took multiple pictures of the drop off. I inch my way closer to the edge of its jagged side, trying to focus on the lake in the distance. Suddenly, my feet are jerked from underneath me. Rocks tumble at my side as I crash down onto my back. Pain shoots throughout my body, I wince. Time passes quickly, I'm rolling down with nothing to stop me. I cry out as jagged rocks tear into my skin, slicing me. Kat screams from above me, my vision blurring as I slow to a stop. I glance up, Kat about ten feet above me. Stumbling, I try to catch my breath. "Adeline! Don't move, I'm gonna call for help!" Kat screams from above, I hear her scrambling about. "It's okay, Kat. I'm fine, just calm-" I start but something cuts me off. Growling. Unsure of what to expect, I begin turning around. And there it was.

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