Chapter 9: Birthday

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The night passed quickly, I could feel the bags under my eyes darkening. Nothing a little concealer couldn't hide.

Kat woke up a few hours after I had, mumbling in her sleep something about Cody. I still lay on her couch when she brought me a tray of breakfast. "Happy birthday!" She squealed with delight. "Thanks." I smiled and nodded, guzzling down some of the orange juice and practically inhaling the scrambled eggs. Yawning, I finished eating. "So what are we doing for your birthday this year? It feels like it was just yesterday that your previous birthday passed. But here we are." She swayed on her heels. "I was thinking that maybe we could just skip having a party and maybe keep my birthday on the down low?" I asked. "What? No way! We need to celebrate!" Kat crossed her arms. "I'm not in the whole huge party mood today. Besides, it is my birthday." I pleaded. "Fine. But I want you to know deep down that I really don't want to." Kat pouted. "Thank you." I sighed.

I left Kat's place late afternoon and headed straight to Jessica and Paris's place. I was in their driveway soon enough, making my way to their front door. Mrs. Mathews greeted me. "Hi." I smiled. "Come on in, Ads." She opened the door. I headed straight for Paris's room, I was comfortable enough in their house to walk right in without having to let them know beforehand.

Paris wasn't in her room, but a small silver wrapped box with a white bow lay neatly in the center of the room with a pink balloon tied tightly to its ribbon. I sighed. "I didn't want you to spend a bunch." I called out for Paris in case she may be nearby enough to hear me. I reached for the box and sat effortlessly on her bed. My fingers intertwined with the bow, unwrapping the silver paper. Within the paper was a small red box, the lid I removed. The box contained little trinkets and candies. My favorites, kitkats, Twix, gum and giftcards. I was relieved to find that all these items were cheap. At the bottom of the box was a tiny folded up letter. Unsealing it, I pulled out a thin paper which I also had to unfold. A small ticket dropped into my lap.

Examining it, I realized it was a plane ticket. The letters read, Paris, France. No way. "Paris!" I called, referring to both the person and place. She came running in with a wide and excited grin. "We're going to Paris!" She squealed. I jumped up with amazement and hugged her. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." I smiled. "Who's all going?" I added the question. "Well... I gave everyone else theirs beforehand. Kat, Cody, Jessica, Malory, Beatrice, Jasper, Todd, Alaina, Pheonix, Ian and Zack. That's all I could afford. But we leave in two days!" She smiled with delight. I flung myself onto her bed, squealing once more into a pillow. "This is amazing!" I jumped around excitedly. "I know! You should probably head home and pack!" Paris exclaimed. "Okay. What made you decide on going to Paris?" I grew curious. "Because it's my name, obviously. Well, and Paris just seems like a fun place to be." She shrugged in a joking manner.

And with that, I was out the door. I made it home fast, again flinging every last little thing into a suitcase and having to literally force it shut with all the strength I could possibly gather. I realized at this point, that even when we are home, my friends and I are always on some kind of adventure. Life could never be boring. As long as I had them, I would never want life to end. And my family, of course.

In the long run, life was shaping up. Despite my sudden nightmares, I was starting to feel really good. All the grief and pain from last year felt like it was millions of miles behind me. I actually was looking forward for the rest of the days to come, actually living life.

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