Chapter 29: Cookout

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     As the stars began to twinkle, the rides began to close. Our feet scraping at the dirt road, we all decided to crash at my house. We walked at a steady pace, passing many things and places without acknowledging them. I felt undeniably happy, perfectly content and unable to focus on my surroundings, I was caught up in the moment.

      Cody jogged to the front of the group, leading the way. Nudging me into Zack, he laughed as he passed by. Kat sprinted over to him, leaping into his back. His arms intertwine with her legs, balancing her on his back. Snickering, her lips connect with his reddened cheek. The pale streetlight shone dully through the night, casting a ray of light upon the sidewalk we began walking on. Cody smiles widely, reaching his hands up to squeeze Kat's thighs which were wrapped around his waist. I smiled, happy for how happy they were. I jogged slightly faster, gaining on Zack.

      "You tryna beat me?" Zack smirks. "Maybe. Maybe not." I half smile. "Well then, I'd better tell you..." He goes silent for a moment as we both pick up pace. I pant rapidly, trying to catch my breath. "Eat my dust!" He laughs, breaking into a sprint. "Ugh, you would!" I whine, laughing afterwards. We pass Cody and Kat, jogging further into the night. Shadows and shapes zoomed past me, my feet connecting with the cement. Zack laughs beside me, quickening his pace. His long legs easily glide across the ground, he began running faster. Struggling to keep up, I fight through the burning ache in my calves. My arms swing wildly at my side, my elbows pulled in tightly. Soon, Zack was far ahead. I grew numb as I tried to keep up, my lungs gasping for air. Suddenly, my feet flew from below me. Dirt floated violently into the air. I felt a piercing pain race up my spine as my back connected with the grass. Gasping, I struggle for air. Zack comes to a sudden stop, spinning on his heels to face me. "Oh my gosh, are you okay?" He gasps, squatting down to help. "No." I groan, rolling to my side as I rub my pounding head. My heartbeat thumped rabidly in my ear. Shaking my head, I fight back my smile. "Here, I'll help." Zack descends his hand. As soon as my hand connected with his, I yanked quickly. As he crashed down, I flung myself upward, regaining my balance. He crashed into the dirt, laughing uncontrollably. "Cheater!" He calls back as I jog forward. I stop at the corner, standing beside a stop sign. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. I wouldn't actually try to win that after making you fall." I laugh sincerely. "Wow, ads." He laughs more, brushing off his jeans as he pushes himself upward. The rest of our friends catch up to us, laughing at both of our falls. I laugh along, losing track of time within our laughs. Nothing mattered in that moment. Nothing accept the raw laughter of my friends and I, all of us voluntarily spending our years together for the sheer happiness of it all. I was thankful for them.

     Todd rushes to my side, smirking widely. "Bet you that your short legs can't jump high enough for you to touch that stop sign." He dares me. "Oh yeah?" I laugh, placing my hand on my hip. "Yep, I don't think you can." He jokes. "Try me." I flick an eyebrow, turning to the sign. With a running start, I boost myself with all of my leg strength into the air as my hand slaps the edge of the sign. "Ha! Suck it." I call in his direction. "Alright Ads, you got me there." He laughs. "I know I do." I fold my arms proudly. "What time is it?" Malory rubs her eyes. "12:30." Paris yawns. "Can we pick up the pace? I'm really tired." Malory moans. "Yes, of course we can pick up the pace. As long as Adeline doesn't trip again, anyways." Cody jokes. I laugh, slapping his arm. Kat hops off his back, her feet stomping onto the concrete. She smirks, ruffling up Cody's flippy hair. "Hey!" He nudges her playfully. They laugh, Kat stumbling clumsily. Jasper pokes me in the side, causing me to curl over with laughter. "Ha, got you." He stated triumphantly with a smile. I poke him back, flicking my eyebrows. He snickers, jogging a ways from beside me. "Ha! Got you back." I smirk.

     After what felt like a lifetime of us messing around, we soon arrive in my driveway. The porch light on, my dad opens the door to greet us. "How was the fair?" He asks. "Great, dad. Thanks for letting me go." I hug him as my friends and I flow rapidly into my living room. Cody flops onto the couch, Kat doing the same as she snuggles up to him. He shuts his eyes as he wraps an arm around her. She buries her face in his chest, both of them soon fast asleep. Todd jumps onto the recliner, flipping up the leg of the chair as he leans back. I toss him a blanket as he yawns. I lay another over Kat and Cody. Paris drags a handful of randomly colored pillows from my bedroom as she creates a cushion for herself on the floor. She sleepily flops onto them, wrapping herself in one of my blankets. Maya slips next to Paris, crawling under her blanket to do the same. Jasper lay a few blankets down to wrap himself in on the floor, Zack doing the same. "Call dibs on the bed!" Jessica smirks, jogging into my room. I hear her land on the mattress, the springs squeaking. "Same!" Malory jogs into my room, flicking off the light. "Night, guys." I laugh, turning off the light switch in the living room. After a while of thought, I decide to squeeze into my bed, I lay cozily at the foot of the bed wrapped into a soft, fuzzy blanket.

      Sleep came fast, The morning sun shining in my eyes. I bat them sleepily, regaining consciousness. A delicious smell filled my nose, the birds chirping outside my window. Nudging Malory awake, she sits up slightly. I roll out of bed, literally flopping onto the floor tiresomely. Malory crawls out of her cocoon of covers clumsily, stepping onto my carpet. We shuffle out of my room, entering the dining room. Everyone sat around the table, tapping at their phones silently. "Hey guys, how long have you been awake?" I ask, tossing Maya an apple at her request. "Well, I smelled food... So I woke everyone up. And sure enough, your dad is making food outside on the grill." Cody explains. "Oh, I see. Why didn't you wake me up?" I wonder aloud. "Well, I was going to but Jasper told me to just let you and Malory sleep since the food isn't done right now anyways." Cody explains more, Jasper nodding in agreement. "Oh, okay." I shrug.

     Opening the back door, I step into the warm morning sun. Smells of several foods filled my nostrils, I breath with satisfaction. "Dad. What are you doing?" I ask him curiously. "Since all your friends are over, I decided to have a cookout. I even got out the picnic tables and the fire pit." He smiles proudly. "Well, it smells great." I state gratefully. I wave them all out, everyone exiting into my yard. Sprinting into the garage, I grab out my volleyball. Exiting the garage, I toss it into the air. "Yes!" Everyone whispers thankfully.

     Random voices call, "mine" or, "got it" from all directions. The ball hurls through the air, thumping on each of our hands. The ball gracefully floats in my direction, my neatly folded hands connecting with it, causing it to soar into the air towards Malory. She sets it up to Paris, Paris spiking it graciously. Jasper jogs to bump it up, passing it to Cody. Cody sets it to Maya, Maya passing it to Kat. This continues for hours, the sun growing warmer, our smiles growing wider, our laughter louder. It was a great morning.

      Meat sizzles on the grill as my dad flips the spatula. "Food's almost done!" He calls proudly. His wife, Annabelle stacks a pile of plates on the large picnic table, arranging silver wear and napkins neatly in each spot. She places bowls of noodles, potatoes, sauces, and many delicious foods around the table. My dad sets steaks, burgers and hotdogs neatly on a plate, turning off the grill. I grab the volleyball, tossing it into the garage. Everyone scrambles to the table, breathing in the scents.

      My dad places the meats in the center of the table, grabbing out a bag of rolls to sit beside them. "Thank you, dad." I smile gratefully. "Anytime, sweetie." He and his wife take a seat at the edge of the table. Annabelle jogs inside, fetching drinks and chips to bring back to the table. Silver wear clinks as each dish is passed around the table. Vegetables, fruits, snacks and many other foods pile around my plate, my stomach grumbling with appreciation. I scan the table, peering at every face that surrounded it. Biting into a piece of steak, I chew slowly. Savoring flavor, I eat slowly. Each of us take turns telling stories, passing laughter. My brothers and sisters joined the table, sitting towards where my dad and Annabelle were. Soon, my mom pulls into the driveway, holding her new boyfriends hand. My other brother jogs over, sitting next to my other siblings. My mom sits at the other end of the table, thanking my dad for the food. Soon, many of my family members began entering. My grandparents, my uncles, cousins, and many more. I glance around at everyone. These were the people I were thankful for. Blood or not, they were family. Moments like these couldn't last forever, that I knew. But I really wish they would.

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