Chapter 43: New Beginnings

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It had been three months since Jake had died. I went to the funeral, his body was cremated. His mother gave me a tiny jar with a handful of the ashes in it. I remember her passing it to me in the church as the preacher spoke, she said, "Here. Jake would have wanted the girl he fell in love with to have a piece of him forever. Sprinkle it where you want to, or keep it even. Just do something special... For him." Her voice spoke over and over in my head as I twiddled the tiny jar around my fingers. Looking up, I glanced out the window. The sun was setting, the sky a dark pinkish color.

Looking back down, I breath in a wave of fresh air. I was ready to spread a bit of him someplace. I wanted all of my friends to come with me, since they were there for me through everything. I sniffled a bit, drying the last of my tears. Turning to the mirror, my eyes met with my own. "You are going to smile tonight. Your gonna have a good time and your gonna leave the old you behind. Everything is different now, it's time to start over." I whispered to myself before tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

Wearing his jersey, a pair of leggings, and some sneakers, I grabbed the bag I had packed the night before and slung it over my shoulder. I had been planning this day for the past month. Slipping quietly through the front door of my house, I made my way to my jeep. I stopped in front of the jeep door, the crickets chirping in my ear. Then I decided, I had waited too long already to stop now. So flinging the door open, I was in the front seat. The jeep roared to life just before I pulled out of the driveway.

His jar in the cup holder, I kept glancing down at it every few moments. I strummed my fingers on the wheel, driving further and further into the night.

I found myself parking just beneath the bridge, where all my friends had been waiting. Paris, Jessica, Malory, Beatrice, Kat, Cody, Jasper, Todd, Alaina, Zack, Renee, Pheonix, Maya, Anaisha, and our old friend Fey sat waiting for me, cross legged with sympathetic looks printed across their faces.

Fey had began talking to us again. To catch up a bit of what had happened in the past three months, all of the girls made the cheer squad. Fey happened to be on it as well. I almost didn't try out, but Jessica and Paris talked me into it, knowing if I didn't try out then I'd regret it later. Anyways, Fey joined our circle of friends once more.

Grabbing the jar from out of the cup holder, I gripped it tightly. I flicked the bag back over my shoulder, making my way towards my friends. Paris was the first to stand, welcoming me in with a hug. "Be strong." She whispered to me, sniffling.

No one felt what I had, the loss of Jake. Which was okay, I didn't expect them to. No one knew him like I did, no one felt what I felt for him or shared the moments I had shared with him. No one was suffering from his loss, not like me. I was okay at that point, I knew I had to let go at some point. I wasn't as sad as I was before, or as miserable. Sure, I thought about him... A lot. It just didn't hurt as badly.

Paris released me as everyone else stood, I sat the bag on the ground. "Okay. I brought everything." I gulped a large gust of air into my lungs. Sighing, I unzipped it. Tossing everyone a spray can and a sparkler, I nodded to everyone. Todd pulled a lighter from his pocket, flicking the flame to life. After pulling out lanterns, I handed one to everyone as well. Todd lit everyone's up, mine last. Still holding the lantern, I lit his and handed him the lighter. Pulling out the jar, I popped the lid open. I gently sprinkled a tiny amount within the lantern before popping the lid back in place.

I nodded to each of my friends, we each let go together. "To new beginnings." I whispered aloud. Our lanterns soar high into the night sky, eventually blurring in with stars. Sighing once more, I flash a smile to everyone meekly. Todd lit the sparklers, each of us laughing as we realize the hard part was over. Kat pulled out a speaker, turning on some music. Cody kissed her on the cheek before shaking his spray can. "Ready for this?" Paris asked everyone. "Never been readier." Anaisha nodded. "Yeah." I agreed. "I'm ready." I added with a nod. Zack rubbed my shoulder before charging ahead. We shook our cans, paint splattering the bottom walls of the bridge.

"Your wearing his jersey." Kat noticed, speaking only to me. "Yeah, I figured what better time than now." I shrugged. "It looks good on you." She sighed, bringing me in for a hug. I hugged back. Pulling away, I shake my can once more. My finger pressed down, angling it at the wall. Dark purple paint came spurring out. Making the shapes of the letters, "JW" for Jakes initials in bold, I took a pink can and sprayed everyone else's surrounding it. Lastly, I added a little red peace sign just below the corner. I couldn't say why I picked a peace sign, it just felt right.

After everyone ran out of paint and ideas, we ran around each other laughing and talking, our sparklers flashing in our hands. Cody scooped Kat up after dropping his sparkler into a puddle, her squealing with joy. I laughed along with everyone else, truly enjoying myself. They made me forget all my worries. I hadn't felt that way for a while, I really needed it.

Before leaving, I sprinkled another tiny amount of ashes right beside the bridge. My friends and I began our walk, we walked on and on without a set destination. Every once in a while, I'd imagine what it'd be like if Jake were there with us. I knew better than to think about him for too long, though. Cody seen my face sinking, distracting me with small talk.

"So how's the cheer squad treating you?" He rambled on in my ear. "Good, it's cool." I shrugged. After a while, we ended up by a corner store. Beatrice tapped me on the shoulder. "Yeah?" I asked. "You know, that jersey looks great on you. It's almost as if it was meant just for you." She smiled weakly. "It's okay, you don't have to try to make me feel better. I'll be okay." I smiled to her. "Okay, well let me know if you ever want to talk." She nodded. "Okay." I agreed.

I wasn't going to talk to anyone about it, not for a long time. I didn't have the energy or strength to. Zack pulled a handful of money from his pocket, taking Jasper in to help pick out snacks. The rest of us sat on the curb to wait, discussing the last football game we had. So far, Swansville had gone undefeated the whole season.

Zack and Jasper exited the store, a bag in each four of their hands. They passed around pops and water bottles, smiling friendly as they did. Jasper handed me a water, I thanked him. "Okay, so we got gummy worms, peanut m&ms, gummy bears, jolly ranchers, oreos, jerky, mini kit-kats, some licorice, mint gum, peanuts, pistachios and a few other things. Anyone want some?" He asked, fumbling around in the bags. Everyone called things out as the candy got passed around. I grabbed a handful of kit-kats, the chocolate crunching in my mouth with each bite. We all ate and laughed, talking the whole while.

"Hey guys." I interrupted. Everyone grew silent. "Yeah, Ads?" Maya asked lightly, raising her eyebrow. "Thank you. Seriously, thank you all. I love you guys and I don't know what I'd do without you." I thanked them sincerely. "Well that's what friends do, it's all good. No need to thank us." Cody assured me. Kat nodded with agreement, twiddling her fingers through his hair. "Well I'm doing it anyways, you guys don't hear it enough." I shrug. "Awh, Ads. Thank you, too." Pheonix hugged me. I smiled gratefully.

The night passed quickly, I ended up parking the jeep back in the driveway and sneaking back into my front door. Placing the jar on my nightstand just before pulling off my shoes and leggings, I crashed onto my bed. It was the first night in months I actually had a good nights sleep.

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