Chapter 28: Fair

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Once school let out, I decided I'd walk home. On my way out of class, I headed to the girls locker room to meet Paris and Jessica, as I usually do.

As soon as I got in the locker room, I glanced over at Beatrice. She looked furious. "Hey, what's wrong?" I raise an eyebrow, nudging her. "That's my shirt." She poked my chest. "Um... What?" I ask awkwardly. Looking down at my shirt, I notice the familiar tie dye streaks. It was the shirt Malory had given me a while back. "That. That is my shirt. Can I have it?" She poked me again. "This can't be your shirt! Malory gave this to me." I snapped at her, a little taken back. "No, I left it at her house and then she gave it to you. I need it." Beatrice growled. "Why would you need it? I just got it. What does it even matter?" I scowled, the words flowing out of my mouth. "Would you like to ask my dad? It's mine so give it." She pulled at the fabric of the shirt. "Hey! Stop. What is your deal? You don't even need it right now." I squirm away from her. She was supposed to be my friend. Why would I want to fight her?

"Look, whatever. Be that way. Just bring me the shirt tomorrow." She snapped, stomping away. Her shoulder smashed into mine, causing me to stumble back. "Hey! What the hell? Watch it!" I snap. "Kay." She flashes a smile. Brushing it off, I continue over to my assigned locker. Jessica and Paris were already there, rummaging through their things. "Hey guys." I groan. "What is it?" Jessica asks, changing her sweatshirt. "Beatrice. She's being rude. I don't know..." I trail off. "Oh. Well it's whatever, who cares? The fair is tonight, just forget it even happened." Paris shrugged, braiding her hair. "Oh my gosh! I totally forgot!" I whine. Yay, a fair. I'll ride all the rides and get a headache because people won't leave me alone and I'll go home after I've gained ten pounds because of the cotton candy, caramel apples and fries. How fun?

Pulling my hair into a ponytail, I threw on my north face jacket. Tying my sneakers, I slung my bag over my shoulder. "Shoot! I have to hurry. Gotta go, I gotta go home and get ready. See you there." I wave them off, breaking into a jog. "See ya." They call back.

After a few minutes of jogging, I find myself sprinting down my street, only a few blocks from home. My hair bounces in the wind, spring flowers sprouting through my trail. Little flowers poked through the warm green grass, the sun shining effortlessly down upon each blade. Time spun, my legs quickening their pace. I got home shortly after, flinging open the front door and bounding up the stairs to my bedroom. My window casted a ray of sunlight over my soft carpet. Breathing heavily, I wipe the sweat beads from my forehead. I was actually excited to go to the fair, despite last years memories of going with Ian, which I tried not to think too much about.

Pulling out my ponytail, my hair fell limp over my shoulders. After curling it, I zipped up my jacket and slipped into a pair of high-waisted light blue jeans. Practically jumping into my ugg boots, I was bounding down the stairs. Suddenly, my weight shifted to an awkward direction and I was hurdling down the steps. One by one, I flopped down. Maybe this was what it felt like when Cody went down his steps in a trash can, I thought. I chuckled to myself, flashing back to his first party. I regained my balance clumsily, shaking my head with a smile.

My fingers wrapped tightly around a reddened Apple, my teeth biting into its fleshy skin. Sighing with relief, I calm myself. After catching my breath, I throw away the core of the apple and glance in the mirror. I felt pretty good about myself for the most part, which was a great feeling.

Soon, I was hopping into my dad's jeep and turning the key in the ignition. The engine roared to life, the lights clicking on. I fastened my seat belt, pulling out of the driveway. I clicked on the radio, tuning it down to a low hum. Finally, I could drive myself. I was glad my dad had gotten a ride to work with his wife, otherwise the jeep wouldn't have been mine for the taking.

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