Chapter 35: dance pt. 2

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     I woke up the next morning with a feeling I had never felt before. I had always been a pessimist, always imagining the worst. But today, I felt optimistic. Spring fling was rescheduled for this evening, I had already had my dress on and my hair done. Slipping on my heels, I was ready.

     I drove alone this time, the ride silent. Time flew by all the way until I was walking in the school doors. All the contestants were told to meet in the auditorium and it seemed like I was the last one to arrive. My heels clicking beneath me, I stepped to the side to scan the crowd. Jake spotting me, began to walk over. Stopping beside me, he shifts on his heels. "Hey." I state. "Hey, how are you feeling?" He asked. "Optimistic, I guess." I shrug. "Good, good." He small talked. "Yeah." I replied blankly. "I would be with the guys but the principle told us to find our partners." He clenched his jaw, awkwardly nodding in the direction of the principle. "I see." I scan the faces as the guys take their place by their partners.

     "We are going to run through the dance one time and then we are going to open the doors to the student body. Ready?" The principle interrupts. Echoes of voices talk over each other for a moment. I began biting my lip, unsure of how the votes would turn out. The music began, Jake and I facing each other.

     Our eyes met, his pupils dilating as he stare back at me. We began to turn, dancing with the song. The brown in his eyes seemed especially dark that day. "Are you okay?" He asked me. I blink for the first time in moments. "what? Yeah, I'm okay. Why?" I focus back into reality. "You just seem distracted. Distant, kind of." He shrugged. "Oh, sorry." I shook my head, trying to focus. "It's cool." He shrugged again.

     The dance was now silent, the only sound was music. Once it came to a stop, the doors opened as each of us took our places on stage. "Did each of you choreograph a bit of your own into the dance?" The principle asked us quietly as the audience took their seat. Jake and I looked at each other in confusion. "Our own?" He raised an eyebrow. "Yes, were you not paying attention?" The principle raised an eyebrow. "Uh, no. No, we got it." Jake lied with a nod, rushing back over to me. "Wing it?" He whispered. "We got this." I nod with a gulp.

     Time flew and soon, I found myself holding Jake's hand in the center of the stage in front of hundreds of sets of eyes as we wait for the music to began. Eventually, it did. The first notes echoed over the stage, Jake nodding to me with uncertainty. "Do you have any dancing experience?" I whisper to him. "Of course, sorta." He sighs. "Okay, um... Got it! Your aunts wedding, track 2." I blurt quietly. "Yes! Great idea." His eyes light up.

     I flash backed to middle school when his mother invited me to his aunt's wedding to dance with him. We were young and just friends so we both agreed. Turns out, most people liked what we came up with.

     His hands were placed on my waist as he lifted me gently in the air and placed me gracefully on his other side. Our hands shoot up, matching speed as we turn without touching. Another turn and another. Our hands met once more as he spun me literally on the edge of my heel, my hair flying out of its updo into dramatic, bouncy curls. We nod to each other as we continue our dance.

     The music eventually ended after multiple turns and sways and steps, the audience hooting and cheering. "That was awesome!" I squeal as we exit the stage. I ran to the bathroom, leaving Jake. Once the door shut behind me, I caught my breath. Adrenaline pumped through me, the intensity of the dance still pried at my thoughts. It had been amazing.

     I couldn't focus enough to watch the rest of the performances, my mind wandering with excitement. Soon enough, the last dancers exited. I quietly strolled over to the punch table, pouring some into a cup. Setting it on the table, I glance up at the individual on the other side of the table. "Hey." A guy with brown eyes and neat brown hair nervously laughed. He was a considerably popular guy, I recognized him from last years football team. "Hi  Aidan, right?" I tried to remember. "Yeah, your Adeline, huh?" He raised an eyebrow. "That's me." I smile friendlily. "Are you and your dance partner a date?" He sipped his drink. My elbow suddenly bumped against my cup, the cup crashing to its side as punch flowed gently out over the table. "Oh my god." I mumble as I scramble to clean the mess. He laughed, helping.

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