Chapter 20: Here

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     So here it was, the incoherent, unstoppable storm I had been dreading.

     I awkwardly step onto the scale with the bathroom door locked in fear of my reaction. This indecipherable feeling of loneliness carving a pit into my soul lingers in the air. I step on the scale, reading my weight. Snickering to myself, I think things unimaginable.

It had been days since my last storm, the one where I locked my bedroom doors and sat there, nose buried in a book with eardrum shattering music muffling out my sobs. I had told no one. And I didn't intend to. Now here it was, back again. For the millionth time.

It had also been a day since my last meal. My stomach didn't growl once, the familiar urge to eat had disappeared. I tried channeling it, wondering why I wasn't starving right now. And why I was gaining weight by eating less. I wondered why my friends hadn't once even flashed a hint of worry in my direction, why they hadn't took notice to my sudden leaf of absence from school.

The house was silent, all accept my room. My music blared as I sobbed into my pillow. I yearned for the feeling of happiness, but I just couldn't find any.

The doorbell rings over my music, normally I'd ignore it but this one caught my attention. My fathers voice rings out, "Adeline! One of your friends are here!" I stop at the top of the stairs, tuning into the conversation below. "Yeah, where has she been? She's been gone from school." Jake answers my dad. "Well... She hasn't left her room, not even to eat any food. Maybe you can cheer her up." My dad replies. I chuckle to myself. Sure he can, I think sarcastically. "Sweetie!" My dad calls, peering up the steps. "Ah, she's right here." My dad welcomes Jake over. He stops at the foot of the steps, peering upward. I slouch against the wall, biting my lip. "What do you want?" I ask coldly. My dad leaves the room, giving us space. I'm glad he doesn't hover much. "Well, you haven't been to school and Paris suggested it be me to come and ask why..." He waits for my answer. "I don't feel like it." I answer, spinning on my heels and starting towards my bedroom, hoping he leaves. But he doesn't.

His footsteps start up the stairs. Sighing to myself, I shut my door before he can enter and truly see my appearance up close. His knuckles tap on the door. "Adeline... Will you just let me in?" He asks in a frustrated tone. "Undecided." I cross my arms from the other side of the door. I hear him breathing between the layer of wood separating us. I just wish he weren't here.

"Well then I'm deciding for you. I'm coming in." He states matter-of-factly. I swiftly turn to look out the window, avoiding his eyes as he opens the door. I hear his footsteps nearing me. Wincing, I hope he doesn't step any further. "Look, you don't have to pretend like you like me. Just do us both a favor and leave." I sound as harsh as possible. "I'm not pretending anything! Can't I not be worried about you, Adeline? Huh?" He screams at me. "Don't yell at me." I whisper half-heartedly. "I'm not just gonna sit around here and watch you get more and more depressed and sad looking or ruin one more freaking pillow with your tear stains!" I hear him bellow. "It's no use, Jake. Go home." I answer blankly as I stare out the window, still. "You don't want me to leave and you and I both know it." He states. "Don't flatter yourself." I snicker heartlessly. "So you do, then?" He asks softly. "Yes." My voice cracks. "Well I don't care what you want, I am staying here." I hear him plant himself on my chair.

The room goes silent, I still watch from the window as kids play in the streets outside. Funny how they seem so happy, when little do they know, with age comes sadness. "May as well do something to pass the time, because it's gonna be a long one." I state. "Well what kind of books do you have?" He asks, peering at my shelves of books. I sniff, wiping my cheeks to conceal my feelings. I didn't need his pity.

I face him, glancing at the shelves of books after. "You won't like any so it doesn't matter." I stare at him blankly. "Try me." He stiffens. "You don't even like to read, Jake. Even I know that." I sigh. "People change." He answers. "People, sure... But not you." I shake my head. "Your lack of confidence in me is a bit insulting." He smiles. "Don't even bother trying to have a good time here, it'll just be an act." I sit on my bed, burying all emotion. "Well what if it isn't an act?" He asks. I block out his words, telling myself not to trust a second of it. "Why bother?" I sigh. He doesn't answer. Figures.

I pick up two books from a shelf, tossing him one. It lands in his lap with a thud. "May as well read because I'm not exactly in the mood to talk to you." I sigh. Wrapping myself in a blanket, I return to reading. I see him hesitate before flipping to the first page. I knew he would hate every second of this, and I didn't care. Just let him pretend, I thought to myself.

After hours of reading, Jake breaks the silence, clearly out of boredom. "Are we ever gonna do anything besides read?" He sighs. "No. But feel free to leave." I answer emotionless, wrapping the blanket tighter. "Why are you being so cold?" He asks. "You don't want me to answer that." I huff with annoyance. He already knew the answer, he'd better stop playing dumb. "Oh." He sighs. "Ok, well I think it's time you leave." I say, shutting my book. "Alright." He finally gives up, handing me my book. What a waste of my time.

I lead him out the door silently and finally he was gone. I lock the door behind him with a grateful sigh. I'm glad that was over.

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