Authors Commentary

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I know I had all the intentions to get this book all the way to 61 chapters. I'm sorry to disappoint, but a lot has been going on in my life to where I had second thoughts on where I wanted to take the characters in my book. I want to say thank you to my closest friends and family and anyone else who read this far. You guys are literally so amazing for that, you have no idea. I know I did shout outs before, but I'm gonna do another one. You can skip through it if you want, it's kind of like a note to self.

Thank you to:

My parents & grandparents & step parents & siblings- You guys support me, love me and raised me through it all.

Madison & Sadie- for being someone to help me laugh through the good times and argue over stupid things and laugh about it after.

Sam- for pushing my buttons and ranting with me about life's stupid issues.

Makaylah- for supporting all of my decisions and being there for me.

Sarah- for talking me through all the sadness and hard times, for hugging me and making me feel better and being #1 bae.

Kyle- for listening to me vent about dumb stuff and still finding a way to help me laugh it off.

Shaun- for being my human punching bag and go-to talk to person/therapist even with all of your sarcasm and going along with our inappropriate jokes.

Michael- for making even the most boring moments, moments to remember and supporting me in everything even "boy issues" and always saying sweet things to boost my confidence.

Anthony- for finding the best in everything and always making time spent with everyone better and trusting me to help you through tough times.

Nick- for singing fergalicious, making me laugh until I cry and singing country songs with me and for coming to me with your problems to help you with advice.

Alex- for putting up with my stupid honey badger vs mr fish stick arguments and for getting me to smile even if I don't want to and trusting me.

Kalena- for listening to all of my boy issues and admiring hot guys all the time and laughing about dumb stuff, and crying together while you sing songs we relate to.

Keilah- For making me laugh for no reason and for making me do stupid things like running home in the thunder and rain.

Lauren- for letting me be a weirdo and act crazy even at the worse times, and being one with me like the bestest PPPP.

Pauly- for encouraging me to write more and making every moment fun.

Haylee- for not judging me no matter what I do, even being weird.

Derek- for being weird with me and putting up with my crap no matter what.

Jada- for roasting the stupid guys in our lives and making every sad moment a happy moment and for seeing things how they are.

Addie- for being my cuddle buddy and being unbelievably nice to me, even if you have no reason to.

All of my PeaceSquad- for loving me and putting up with me and sticking with me through it all, for creating the most memorable moments of my life and helping me find my place in the world while still sticking by my side.

Everyone up there^- for inspiring most of the characters in my book.

Salman- (another Sam) for supporting me and encouraging me to further my writing.

My readers- for following me along this journey even though it's just one book to you, it's a huge part of my life to me.

I love you all very much and I'm sorry that I cut the book short. I will still write an epilogue shortly after I publish this commentary.

I have my next book planned and ready to write so stay tuned for that, I hope to see some readers❤️

Lastly, sorry for the long commentary and all the shoutouts. I just needed to say some of those things on my mind.

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