Chapter 41: Jake Waters

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Behind me stood a large dog. It was a wolf, it's hungry eyes staring into mine. It's jagged teeth bared, ready to tear into my flesh. It took a step closer as I took a step away. Still growling, it quickened it's pace towards me. Clenching my eyes shut, I Yelp under my breath. My muscles were tightened as I prepared for a sensation of pain.

But it didn't attack. It stopped right in front of me, sniffing my shoe. Kat was still above the hill, fumbling around somewhere. It stared at me calmly, it's silvery eyes soothing my fear. I reached my hand up to its jet black silky fur. I hesitated, finally gathering the bravery to allow my fingers to touch the fur. It was soft and thick, mesmerizingly beautiful. I ran my fingers through it, the wolf's tail slowly swinging back and forth.

Kat's footsteps sound from above, her gasp louder than thunder. The wolf jumped with surprise, running off into the woods. My hand still in the air where the wolf once was, I shake my head as I let in air. "Did you see that, Kat?" I ask in awe as I peer up at her slowly. "Was that a...?" Kat trails off. "A wolf." I grin with excitement. "Oh my gosh, get up here before you get eaten." Kat snaps me back into reality. Scanning my arms and legs, I notice fresh cuts and bruises, a few tears in my clothes. "No one is around for miles, I have no signal and it's gonna take a whole hour for me to hike down the mountain alone to grab a rope or something and there's no way in hell I'm leaving you down there alone for that long." Kat insists from above, placing a hand on her hip. "Fine." I groan, dusting off my dirty knees.

Firmly placing my hand on a rock, I began pulling myself upward. I made it up a few rocks, continuing on as Kat talked me through it. My arms shook uncontrollably. Breathing steadily, I raised my leg up and placed my foot on a rock, testing to see if it was secure. The rock tumbling down beneath me, my foot slipped. Gasping, I grip the rocks tightly with my hand. After preventing another fall, the rest of the climb went smoothly. I found myself grabbing Kat's hand as she yanked me upward, pulling me onto the trail again.

"Well I don't know about you, but I'm ready to go home." I state, shrugging as I clumsily toss my bag over my shoulder. "Agreed." She nods.

A few hours pass, and I was now in my bathroom, soaking in a bubble filled bathtub. A dim light shined across the room, the water soothing my scrapes. The bubbles fizzing, I pulled my knees to my bare chest. My freshly washed hair was tied back into a bun, my torn clothes scattered across the room, a fresh set neatly folded beside the tub. Sighing to myself, I calm my nerves and take in the heavy sleepy feeling. I laid back into the water, pulling my face below the bubbles. Water swarmed over my facial features, my anxiety floating away.

Hopping out of the tub after draining the water, I wrapped the towel around myself and sat with my back against it. The drain gargled, sucking up the last bubbles. The drops upon my skin soak into the smooth towel, the cuts slowly healing. Thoughts of all kinds jumble through my head, swirling like tornadoes.

I slipped into my clean clothes and found myself sneaking out the front door. I had planned to go to Jake's house and just spend some time with him, hoping he'd be awake.

My converse click on the pavement as I walk, making my way to his house. I ended up standing in his front lawn like an idiot, hesitating to knock on the door considering the time. It was the middle of the night, no one would be awake. So, I decided to just go around and tap on his window.

I silently crept below windows, sneaking over to his bedroom. Glancing up, I was taken back by my view. Stopping in my tracks, I stare into the window. A tear trickles down my cheek as he rolls around in bed with another brunette. I cupped my hand around my mouth, concealing my cries. Tears began to run down my cheeks as my breath caught in my throat. I couldn't find any words, I just slid down his house wall, falling to the ground. I sat there, wheezing. I trusted him, only for it all to be a lie. Eventually, the tears stopped. It was as if I ran out, my eyes puffy and red. Walking through his front door, I swallowed hard. My hand clasped over his door handle, I began to yank it open.

I stumbled into his room, sniffling as his horrified face stared back at me. He threw himself off of the girl, pulling his pants up. "Adeline. Oh my god, Adeline. I'm so sorry." He ran to me, his naked torso nearly inches from me as he tried to wrap his arms around me. I yanked backwards, though. He stared at me with confusion. "No." I croaked. Sniffling once more, I wiped my nose on my sleeve. "You did it again, Jake. You did it again." I snapped coldly. My feelings for him vanished instantly. I felt nothing for him. "We are over." I growled as I stomped out of his house and down his front porch steps. He followed close behind, I crossed the street to get away from him. "Adeline! Wait, I know I did something wrong. I'm sorry, even though I know you won't forgive me." I heard him call from behind. Biting my tongue, I swallowed my feelings. Turning to face him, I looked him straight in the eyes.

And that's the last I seen of them. As a bright light grew larger, reflecting off of his brown eyes to mine, I heard the sound of squealing tires right before I watched as a truck smashed into him. Blood splattered my face as I screamed in horror. The horn sounded from the car, a splattering noise buzzed in my eardrum. Jake's limp body flew into the air, rolling over the truck. I screeched with agony, my throat throbbing. "Jake!" The girl called from his porch, her squeals and cries pounding into my brain. My vision blurred, my tears and screams stopped as I stumbled forward. Through the blurriness in my vision, I catch my last glimpse of Jake Waters. I make out the figure of his lifeless body as I fall to the ground, time spinning around me quickly. I felt like I was on clouds, I had never lost anyone so close before. He was there one second and then all of a sudden, he was gone.

Many things flashed through my brain as the ambulance sirens rang out from all directions. A blanket was wrapped around my shoulder as an officer walked me to sit down somewhere. They were talking to me, asking me questions. I just wasn't listening, my head was throbbing too much. Memories floated around me.

Cody's first party, Jake was drunk and he stumbled around the corner of the house just before I left. He ended up puking and embarrassing himself.

The party at Jake's house, we sat knee to knee beside a camp fire. He peered up at me, smiling and laughing as I did the same.

Right before we left for California, he hugged me but I didn't hug back. I was mad at him, I can't recall why, anymore.

In California when I thought it was our final goodbye, he stormed off the bus and left me for another girl.

The letter he sent me from California to Beatrice's house, I ended up throwing it away.

When he picked me up in the pouring rain, he drove me home and out of the thunder and lightning.

Only a short time ago, he walked me home after the game. We hugged, we kissed. We fell in love. I could still smell the fresh scent of his cologne. I'd never smell it again.

This morning, his hands on my waist. I flung them off, little did I know it was the last good moment I'd have with him. He whispered he loved me on his way out. I guess I'll never know if he really meant those three words.

Jake waters died that night, right in front of me. I loved him, I really did. I cared about him, and even through all he's done, I still care about him. Even in death, he still means something to me.

My first loves blood still splattered across my skin, I walked home once more. My head still throbbing, I find myself back where I started. I stand in the shower, fully clothed as the water rained down upon my skin. I stared blank face at the wall, time passing by with no ending. The water turned red, running down into the drain as I scrubbed the dry blood stains from my bare skin. My hands trembling with every move, the image of his lifeless body flying through the air replayed over and over in my head. My clothes still stained, I stood there. Soaking wet, I stared at the wall with the water running on me for the rest of the night, sleep far from sight.

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