Chapter 46: Tour

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I stared at him intently. "Well?" He asked, searching for my answer. "How long would I be gone?" I bit my lip. "A month tops, then I will have you right back here in Wyoming." He exclaimed, his voice soft. "I don't know... I don't think I could go that long without seeing any of my friends." I sighed. "Is that the only problem?" He laughed. "Yeah, what's so funny?" I raised an eyebrow, placing a hand on my hip. "Well I mean, ask them if they want to come, too. There's room on the tour busses, I'm pretty sure. There is enough room for you to invite them and you would all fit in one." He went on. "Are you serious?" I squealed, running to him and wrapping him in a hug. "Thank you, I'm so excited!" I screeched in his ear, pecking a kiss on his lips. I settled down, unsure of how he felt about it. I let go suddenly, forcing a fake laugh as I glance down at the road.

"You know, you don't have to back up every time you kiss me, as if you think I didn't want you to." He bites his lip. "Sorry, I'm just not used to it." I say, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "It's okay, I get it." He reassured me. "You do?" I pursed my lips. "Yeah, I've been all over, I've learned things about people. Not that it's any of my business, but did you just go through a break up or something? You seem scared to touch me." He analyzed me. "This might sound weird, but I might as well tell you." I say, my voice shaky. "Okay, I'm listening." He furrowed his eyebrows. "The last boyfriend I had... He got hit by a truck right in front of me and died. We were fighting and it all happened so fast, I just..." I ran my fingers through my hair, searching for the words to explain what I was thinking.

I thought telling him about Jake would make him wonder if I wasn't over him, causing him to lose feelings for me. But he didn't, he did the exact opposite. With panic etched in my voice, I felt his arms wrap around me securely. I sighed, the familiar sense of home washed over me. I seemed to relax within his arms, the panic washing away. I slid my arms under his, wrapping them around him in return. "I'm sorry that happened to you." He whispered. "It was my fault." I whispered back. "Don't say that." He shook his head, letting go of me. "I promise I'm not still in love with him or anything, I still do love him, though." I sighed. "I don't expect you to forget about him, just don't mess with my feelings if you aren't sure of yours. Okay?" Alejandro sighed. "I know what I feel. Of course it still hurts that he is dead, but it would hurt anyone. I felt something for him, but it doesn't matter what I felt before, it matters what I feel now. I really like you. Okay?" I reassured him. "I really like you, too." He grinned. "Okay, good." I sniffled, smiling lightly.

Once I got home, I went straight to dialing a ton of numbers. First I called Jessica and Paris, eventually calling Kat, Cody, Maya, Beatrice, Malory, Zack, Jasper, Todd and Alaina afterwards. They all got the okay to go, and the tour was settled. Each of our parents were okay with it, giving us our own credit cards to spend and everything. It was all perfectly planned out, we'd leave tomorrow morning.

I packed a few outfits in my large suitcase, also fitting in toiletries and a few pairs of shoes and things to do, my favorite book, my writing notebook, my sketch pad, my headphones, and a few more trinkets. I didn't pack too much, I wanted to get a new outfit in every place we stopped. I wanted to venture around every city or state we visited, which is exactly what I was going to do.

I stripped myself, hopping in the steaming waters of my shower. The water felt warm and soothing against my skin, my curls smoothing out. Once I finished rinsing, I wrapped myself in a towel and wiped a bit of the fog off of the bathroom mirror. I began braiding my hair into two Dutch braids. Finishing them off with an elastic, I slid into a soft t-shirt and pajama shorts, slipping my feet into a pair of comfy slippers. After brushing my teeth, I headed to my bedroom.

Once in my room, I lit up the lanterns and stringed lights hanging from my ceiling. There was a soft and dull glow to my room. I glanced at my picture wall, the wall where I hung every picture I had of me and my friends and family. It was like a giant collage that took up the whole wall. I seen our smiling faces, all of our adventures we captured. I also seen a few old friends, some I rarely talk to anymore. There were even a few of Jake and I. That night, it didn't hurt to look at the wall, it felt good. I was there, all of those moments, I lived them. They were over now and I needed to stop reflecting back and wishing for more when I should be enjoying the moment.

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