Chapter 22: Party

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     After lunch, I met Jessica in the hall. She was waiting for me at my locker. "Hey." I call to her. "Hi." She mumbles. "What's wrong?" I grow worried. "I think I'm going to break up with Ian." She answers honestly. "Your gonna what?" I grow more and more shocked by the second. Ian cuts into the conversation. "Hey babe." He kisses her cheek. She winces. "Ian." She chokes. "Yes?" He blushes. "We need to talk." She stares blankly. I bite my lip, of course I'd be the one stuck in the middle of it. Quickly shoving my things into my locker, I get ready to casually bail out on the whole awkward breakup moment. But I'm too late.

     "Okay?" He raises an eyebrow with suspicion. "I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry but I think we should just be friends." She blurts out. I stumble, tripping over my own foot and falling backwards. Scrambling to my feet, I awkwardly point in another direction as Ian's face slowly grows more and more red. Hurrying off, I turn the corner swiftly. Something thuds against my chest and I stumble once more.

      I look up, my eyes meeting with a set of blue ones. He had brown hair and was considerably tall. I felt intimidated, quickly apologizing. "No, it's okay. I'm sorry, too." He replies effortlessly. I don't take much notice to him, hurrying off to my next class without saying another word. He watches me with a curious expression as I scramble down the hall.

     Almost out of breath, Kat stops me. "Woah there! Slow your roll." She holds her hand up. "What? What is it?" I ask, uncomprehensively. "What's wrong?" She asks sympathetically. "Nothing, nothing at all. I'm good." I shrug, catching my breath. The air rushes to my lungs, calming me. She eyes me with suspicion. "Fine. I just got in the middle of Ian and Jessica breaking up." I admit. "No way!" Kat's jaw drops. "Are they okay?" She adds. "I don't know. I kind of ran away from the situation. I panicked." I shrug. Surely, Jessica was fine. But Ian, maybe not so much.

     Kat hurries off in the direction I just came after reminding me about the party later. I nod in return, trying to forget that I had to go to it. The rest of the school day goes by in a whir. Soon I find myself opening the front door to my house and collapsing with exhaustion onto the couch. I sigh into the pillow, trying to soothe my nerves.

     After changing into a loose, long sleeve shirt and leggings, I slip on a pair of sneakers and meet Kat and Cody in my driveway. Kat sits passenger, Cody beeping the horn to the drivers seat. I wince, flashing back to my nightmare from a few months ago about a car crash. I had truly thought all my friends were dead and I may as well have done the same.

As I make my way to the car, I consider turning around and bailing entirely. Parties just weren't for me. Kat notices my expression I was making and shakes her head. Rolling down the window, she calls to me, "don't you even dare think about backing out because if I have to, I will get out of this car and drag you the rest of the way, Adeline Marrose!" She says stubbornly, beating her hand on the roof of the car. I sigh, hopping into the backseat.

     After a few moments of Cody and Kat flirting, Cody pulls the car out of my driveway. Soon, I'd be stuck at Paris and Jessica's house having to fake my enjoyment of the party. I sit in awkward silent, waiting for the night to just be over. Eventually, we arrive at Paris and Jessica's house. You could already tell by the houses appearance and shadow full Windows that many others had already arrived. As I exited the car, the familiar sound of muffled music hums in the air. Malory and Alaina are perched against the wall of the house, muffled chatters floating in my direction. I jog over to them, smiling with relief. Maybe this party won't be too bad as long as my friends were here.

     "Hey!" Alaina welcomes me with a hug. "Hi." I laugh genuinely. "I didn't think you guys were coming!" Malory smiles with delight. "Wouldn't miss it for the world." I lie. Kat bounces perkily out of Cody's car, a bag of drinks in her hand. "Where should I put these?" She smiles. "In there." Alaina gestures to the front door. Cody catches up with Kat, both of them heading inside.

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