Chapter 14: impact

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Smoke flooded my lungs. Ears still ringing, heart still pacing, beating a mile a minute. This was it. This is where we die.

I squeezed Paris's and Alaina's hand, the two on my sides. Alaina looked in fear, her muscles stiffened like she was a statue. Paris whined and sealed her eyes shut. I felt them shaking in my sweaty hand. All my friends linked arms together. "If we die, I want you guys to know that I wouldn't have made it this far in life without you!" I screamed over the shouts, boiling tears streaming down my face.

Moments of my life flashed before my eyes. I tried telling myself it was just another dream, but I knew it wasn't. This time I wasn't dreaming, all this was real and soon it would all be over.

First, I seen my first birthday party. I was turning seven. Family and friends surrounded a table loaded with presents and cake. All of my friends were there, their little kid faces looking at me with curiosity. My mom cutting the cake. My father kissing me on the head, wishing me a happy birthday. "Happy birthday, sweetie." He hugged me. My mom was tearing up as she snapped a picture of me. "I love you, my little angle." She whispered to me. My grandparents stood near me, handing me a card. My little fingers set it on the table clumsily. I felt my little smile imprinted on my cheeks. I missed moments like these.

Next, I seen the day I got my first heartbreak. I remember running up my house stairs to my bedroom. My mom stopped me at the door with sympathy. "What's wrong, honey?" She spoke softly. "Nothing." I heard my twelve year old voice reply. "Don't lie." She looked stern. "He broke up with me." My eyes met with my shoes. She brought me in for a hug, I felt warm in her arms.

After that, I seen the day my father came home from South Carolina. He slid open the glass door as I ran into his arms. "Dad!" My little voice squealed. He gripped me tightly, sniffling back his joyous tears.

Now I seen a casket. It was my great grandmas funeral. I was young and didn't understand death as it was. I thought she was sleeping. My grandma popcorn. I called her that because she always shared her popcorn with me because I was her favorite. We had a bond, a special one and we even shared the same birthday.

My next memory, the day I picked up my dog, taco. He was a little yorkie. He looked like an Ewok. He was so tiny in my arms, almost the size of my hand. I played with his little paws between my fingers, cradling him like a baby. Paris and Jessica were there, looking younger than normal.

Next came my first kiss. I stared into the eyes of my first boyfriend. His brown hair hung in his eyes. He smiled. "Can I kiss you yet?" He asked. "Nope." I rocked on my little heels. "But why?" He tucked a piece of hair behind my ears. "I'm scared." I admitted. "But I love you. There's nothing to be scared of." He assured me. "I know... But-" he cut me off. "Just do it." He said, bringing me in for a kiss. Our lips locked quickly and then it was over.

Lastly, I seen Jake walking away in the distance of California. The day he left. I wanted to run towards him but my feet wouldn't budge.

More moments flashed by, some standing out, others I didn't remember. They were interrupted by more screaming. I regained consciousness. The plane was seconds from hitting the ground. I prepared myself for the impact. Breathing heavily, I glanced in every direction. Everything was spinning, I felt dizzy. A tiny squeal escaped my mouth as I heard nothing but screams of pain and loud metal crunching against metal. Glass shattered, some puncturing my skin. Pain flashed around my entire body, I was now jerked outside of the plane. Or at least part of me was. "Paris? Alaina? Anyone?" I called out. No reply. Screams and cries flooded through the air, it was like the worst nightmare ever. The plane was now burning with people in it. Fire crackled. I glanced down at my legs, my arms planted in the soft dirt. I now realized that my legs were still beneath the wreckage of the plane which was now burning. Pain. Heat. Blood. Red blood. Red. Everywhere. Everything. This was it.

My vision blurred.

My world spun.

My heart raced.

My ears rung.

Suddenly, it was over.

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