Chapter 17: Curiosity

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I woke up to the morning sun casting a blanket of warmth and light upon my face. Rolling off the couch, i flopped onto the wooden floor. I ended up beside Jake. Scrambling to my feet, I awkwardly made my way to the kitchen. Thank god I didn't wake him.

Once in the kitchen, I fumbled through shelves of food quietly. Deciding on an apple, I bit into the red flesh. I hadn't had any food that wasn't hospitalized in what felt like forever. Sighing with relief, I slump back on the wall. I scanned the living room for anyone who was awake but everyone was still asleep.

Footsteps made their way down the steps, my father entering the kitchen. "I'm so glad your home." He whispered, greeting me with a hug. "Me too." I sigh with relief, hugging him back. Grabbing an apple, he returned upstairs. I sat patiently for anyone to wake up.

The first one up was Cody. He smiled with relief when he seen me sitting in the dining room chair. He sat up from the floor, removing the blankets covering him. Standing up, he stretched out with a yawn. I tossed him an apple. Catching it, he sits down next to me. We eat our apples in silence.

After what felt like hours, I decide to break the silence. "So how has everything been?" I ask. "Good, sort of. But what's great is that Kat and I went on our first fancy date." He smiles with rejoice. "Really? No way! Where did you go?" I squeal. "That new restaurant down the road, we had lobsters together." He blushes. It was nice having a normal conversation, almost as if the past week had never happened. I wanted to tell him about my experience before my almost death but I knew that telling anyone would make me sound crazy so I kept to myself. No one would believe I was fully conscious outside of my body. "That's really cool." I lower my gaze. "Can I ask you something?" He asks. "Sure, anything." I nod. "What was it like? Almost dying, I mean." He looks sympathetic. "I'd rather not." I sigh, rubbing my neck as I dodge his question. "Yeah, no. I get it, I get it." He shrugs. "Well are you okay?" He adds. "Yeah. I mean I think so. I'm good, yeah." I assure him. "Well if your ever not, you can talk to me about it." He assured me in return. "Yeah, I know." I consider for a moment telling him but I decide not to.

Kat wakes up next, her face surprised by the sight of Cody and I talking. She quickly walks over to the table, taking a seat between us. "Apple?" I offer her. "No thanks. I don't need anymore calories." She pushes the fruit away. "Okay." I sigh, deciding to take Kat's suggestion and throw away the second half of my apple. If she couldn't use anymore calories, then I defiantly couldn't. Cody awkwardly chews his apple, glancing Kat up and down. Pulling her chair near his, he squeezes her upper thigh, although he wasn't very secretive about it. Kat looks in a different direction instead of his eyes. I bite my lip, wondering if something was wrong between them. Cody desperately tries to capture her attention, but she denies him without much thought. "What's wrong?" Cody turns her head with his fingers. "Nothing." She turns away. He tries again, turning her head to face his. "Your lying." He kisses her. "I'm going to go check the mail." I say, exiting the back door to leave Kat and Cody to discuss things alone.

Once outside, I breath in the fresh air. Making my way down the back porch steps, I descend to the cement. My bare feet connect to the ground. I checked the mailbox, although I knew it was empty, and sat down on the bottom step of the front porch, twiddling my fingers in the green blades of grass to pass time. I watch the cars go by, connecting my eyes with each strange face. It was weird, I thought, that each and every car zooming by, held another human being, each living their own separate lives, different and yet still similar to mine. I wondered what their struggles were, their issues, their conflicts. I wondered what each were thinking. My thoughts were interrupted by Cody, peeking from the side of the house. "You ever coming back in?" He asks. "Oh, yeah. Right." I sigh, making my way back to the back porch and entering the house. Cody entered shortly after, Kat flashing me a dirty look. I sit down next to her, she turns towards me. "Can I ask you a question?" She asks suddenly. "Okay." I nod. "What were you and Cody talking about while I was asleep?" She bites her lip. I was taken back by her question, searching for an answer. "Um. I don't know. You mostly, and a little bit about my experience in the hospital. Why?" I grow suspicious. "Just curious." She lies, clearly. "okay." I say awkwardly. Curiosity killed the Kat.

"Can I ask you one more?" She asks as I'm about to walk away. "I guess." I mumble. "Does Cody ever... I don't know, flirt with you?" Kat snaps. "No." I reply harshly. "Okay." She shakes her head, sounding wounded. "Why?" I ask once more. "I'm just curious." She says blankly. "K." I grow frustrated. "Okay, last one." She sounds weak. "Ok..." I say with annoyance. "Do you like him?" She asks as if she already knew the answer. Clearly she knew the wrong one. "No, Kat. I don't like Cody." I snap at her with annoyance flashing through my voice. "Sure." She mumbles. "What did you say?" I snap. "Nothing." She whines, her face red. "Just say it." I state blankly. "I just feel like I'm losing him. To you. I mean just look at you, who wouldn't want to be with you? Your so perfect, it's like not even fair. And how do you stay so skinny? How do you stay so freaking gorgeous without even trying? I just don't understand. Every guy you have ever met just looks at you like a goddess and then I just. I can't handle it. What if Cody starts seeing it? What if he starts looking at you like that? What will I do?" She grows with panic. I was mad at first, but now I felt bad. She didn't deserve to be thinking of herself like that. "Kat. Cody loves you, okay? The way he looks at you, like your his entire world! He'd never stop looking at you like that. And no guy would ever look at me like that. I just don't deserve it!" I rant. "Well it's too late. I already said things to him I can never take back. I'm sorry." She starts crying now. Cody stands in the kitchen doorway in awe, a tear trickles down his cheek. I grab her hand, dragging her towards Cody. I push her towards him as his arms shoot out to wrap around her, bringing her in suddenly. She cries into his chest as he buries his face in her neck. I sniff, returning to the living room to let them fix things.

I crash onto the couch, where I had slept the night before, and stare silently as the ceiling fan spins around in circles as many thoughts swirl into my head.

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