Chapter 18 Smaug The Bowman and An Elemental

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Time passed slowly as they waited for the return of the other Dwarves. Legolas scouted around the area, probably out of boredom. The rest could only wait. Fili and Sigrid were by the fire talking and cuddling. The Dwarves talking with Bain and Tilda, and of course Kili and Tauriel together. Alina however, was outside on the roof listening and smelling the air, she kept scanning the sky.

"Don't just stand there in the shadow, Tauriel, if you have something to say then say it."

Tauriel was floored. "How did you know it was me?"

Alina tapped her nose, "The nose knows, I smelled you the minute you opened the door."

Tauriel came up behind Alina then suddenly drew her knife. "Now, what will you do, what was it, oh yes mutant?"

Alina just laughed, "You've got to be joking."

In the blink of an eye, she disappeared leaving a confused Tauriel looking around for her. She reappeared behind her with claws unsheathed and already at Tauriel's throat.

"Now that this display is over with, why don't you tell me the real reason you came up here? I know it wasn't for this. There was no malice in your scent when you first came, as there isn't any now."

Alina released Tauriel, "You are right I had no intention of attacking you. I came up here to apologize to you for how I reacted about Kili. "

Alina smiled at Tauriel causing her breath to hitch. "Don't worry about it. You were just worried about your beloved. Don't bother denying it, I'll smell your lie."

Tauriel sits down. "Is there anything you can not do?"

Alina gives her a sideways glance. "Sing. I can't sing to save my life. Oh, and play an instrument, or draw. Basically anything artistic."

Tauriel looks at her for a moment then starts laughing. "Perhaps one day I shall teach you, now why are you up here?"

"What I'm about to tell you I tell you in confidence Tauriel, you can not tell anyone. Soon there will be an epic battle. A battle of five armies at which time the line of Durin with perish. I think I've changed it because Kili was supposed to die at the hands of Bolg. I just don't know how much. I may need your help. Do you believe me?"

Tauriel stares at Alina intently for a moment, "Yes, I believe you, what do you need me to do?"

"Keep the Durin brothers together. Don't let them split up. But we still have a few days for that. If all goes well, we won't be alone." Alina continues to look up.

"I still don't understand you're searching for."

Suddenly Alina's head snaps toward the mountain, "The smell of fire, we gotta go Smaug is loose."

They both jump down and burst into the house. "Let's go Smaug is coming, grab what you can carry to Dale and go!"

Everyone is rushing to get provisions. Alina catches Fili by the arm. "Keep them safe, Fili, and get the hell out now. I'll get Bard. Tell the children not to worry about their dad."

With that, she vanished into thin air. She appeared inside the cell with Bard. "Hey, Bard, how are you?" She says with a smirk scaring him half to death.

"Must you always do that Alina?"

Alina thinks about it for a minute then answers, "No, I don't have to, but I like to." she smirks at him.

Bard chuckles. "Alright Miss smarty breeches, how do you plan to get me out?"

She rubs her hands together. "Like this." With the wave of the hand, the bars melt away. The minute Bard steps out of the cell though, the bell sounds that Smaug has been spotted.

"Good luck!" Alina shouts to Bard as they speed off in different directions.

"You too," Bard says as he disappears in the mist.

Alina immediately begins to bend water to put out the fires that Smaug started. She ran along toward the bridge that connects the town to the shore, but it's been burned. She concentrates and raises an earth bridge so that the people can cross.

"Go quickly, there is a land bridge to get across! Don't question how it got there, just use it!"

Alina runs back into the city using the lake water to rain down on the fires and clearing waterways so boats could pass.

Smaug was in the middle of having a conversation with Bard and Bain. When he looked around and noticed that his beautiful flames were put out.

"What kind of devilry is this?" He blew more fire and it was instantly put out by a wave of water.

Smaug thought for a moment then he deadpanned over to the bowman. "You have an Elemental."

At hearing this Alina stopped dead in her tracks 'Holy shit he knows!' She thought in a slight panic.

Bard gave the dragon a confused look. "Ahh, you do not know what that is, but she does. Come out Elemental or I will make the Bowman and his child die a most horrible death."

Using the wind she landed on top of the building in front of Smaug. "So there you are, a pretty little thing you are. Perhaps I'll keep you as a pet."

He leaned forward then reared back, "Perhaps not, you reek of Oakenshield. You must be his pet already."

The dragon says, his voice full of malice. "Or did he tell you he loves you-"

She cuts him off, "Look don't even try that mind game shit with me, alright? I can tell that you're lying. And I also know that just like I reek of Thorin you reek of fear!" Alina said tapping her nose.

"You wear it like a perfume. What are you afraid of Smaug, this little pet? Me being the Superior being?"

Then she whispers to Bard, "Get ready."

Smaug was dumbfounded. No one had talked to him like that in thousands of years. Since the Elementals as a matter of fact. Since his…

"How dare you speak to me that way, Elemental. I used to eat your kind for break-"

Alina interrupted him again "LIE! You did nothing of the kind, did I leave out I can smell your lies as well. And you and I both know you're lying."

Then it dawned on her. "I know why you know of my kind Smaug. I don't know why I didn't see it sooner."

Smaug was beside himself with fear and now that fear was turning into anger. Anger at himself for letting that little nothing frighten him in the first place. And if she says it she would not live to regret it.

"The Elementals used to be your masters!" Alina shouts at Smaug.

That's all it took to send Smaug over the edge like some raving lunatic. He lunged at her, determined to devour her. But at the last minute, she teleported out of the way giving Bard a chance to hit the Dragon in the chest! Sending Smaug crashing into the lake.

Unfortunately, Alina was not paying attention to where she teleported to this time and she teleported into a burning building. The good thing was that Bain and Bard were able to hear her scream bloody murder as she caught fire. They managed to pull her from the flames, though she was severely burned and may not survive.

"Let's just make it to shore, I'll be fine. Take the land bridge I made." Bard and Bain just looked at each other and headed in that direction, Bard carrying Alina.

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