Chapter 30 Thorin Talks, Thranduil Spys, And The Captian Plans

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"Excuse me, I shall return in a moment. Carry on without me." Tony, Logan follow me." Thorin said.

Thorin and the others kept walking quite a distance away from the tent. Until Thorin stopped. "Logan, do you hear them talking?"

Logan was quiet for a second. "No, not a word."

Thorin smiled. "Good that means the Elves cannot hear either, more specific Thranduil. Although I do not know about his spies."

Suddenly Tony and Thorin were standing there alone. "What I wanted to tell you Tony is, that was brilliant and well played. Worthy of my house, I will forever consider you my brother." Then they hugged.

"Thanks, Thorin, that actually means a lot."

Thorin pats his shoulder. "When were you going to leave?" 

Tony answered without hesitation, "Oh tonight, without a doubt!" Tony says.

"As I thought you'd say. Tony, I'm afraid I can not let you. This has been a long day, and I must ask for your sister's sake that you at least eat and rest for a few hours before you go. Though I know you won't."

Tony smirked "Wow, it's scary you well you know me! No, but this time I will do as you ask."

At that moment Logan appears out of the dark dragging a pale blonde elf. "Tell him what you told me Elf or I'll slit you open from neck to supposed nuts and make you eat your intestines," Logan said.

"M-my king Thranduil, sent me to follow you find out if you, Your Majesty, had any intentions of using those metal men to seek revenge upon him."

Tony turned to Thorin "We could ya know." 

Logan laughs as he lights a cigar, Thorin shakes his head. "Tell your King that revenge against him is beneath me, now go before I let Logan slice you open."

Logan smiles showing his canines glinting in the moonlight.

"Now go see your sister, eat, go back to the castle and sleep at least for a few hours. Come see me before you leave for battle. Logan, would you help him locate my wife in all this madness, please? Then come back."

Logan nods and takes off with Tony.

Thorin enters the tent and motions for Steve to stand next to him. "I want you to show them how this map works and go into detail about where and why we should place the soldiers. You view this as an impartial person have the advantage. Also your advanced knowledge of the battle, but make no mention of that."

Steve totally got it, as an outsider he could view this objectively without prejudice. Also after seeing the movie, he knew where their weakness was. 

"Yes sir, I will do my best." 

Thorin once again stepped forward. "Seeing as we are having difficulty with a hologram as Tony calls it, I have here Captain Steve Rogers, A brilliant strategist to help."

Dwalin walked up next to Thorin. "Are you sure it's wise to use so many people from Alina's World?"

Thorin nod "Yes I do, Dwalin. Tony is family, Steve is a devoted soldier and could not lie to save his life. And Logan's devotion to my wife is absolute."

Dwalin stared at Thorin on that last one then shrugged.

Steve pointed out all their flaws in the battle and after looking at it better, the kings accepted. Then he laid out his teams positions. "My team will be in the following places. Thor, Bobby, Scott, and Bruce with be in the main battle. I need you all to explain something to your men. Bruce will turn into a large green guy with anger problems. He's a little uncontrollable at times. Be sure he is not attacked or he'll turn on you." 

"Now, We also have Natasha, Storm, and Professor guarding the city, King Bard just let them know where you want them. Tony will be on his own and Logan will shadow King Thorin.  Our Archer Hawkeye will be on high with his bow. That leaves me on point and Alina will also be with King Thorin and anywhere else she is needed."

The others found his plans to be feasible and most likely to succeed Even Thranduil had to agree. The word was spread through all the armies that the orders of Captain Steve Rogers were to be followed. He would be wearing red, white and blue. With the same colored shield. Now if Tony was correct all they had to do is wait two more days.

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