-+Romeo and Juliet+- Aaron x Reader Pt.1

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"(Y/N), If You Could Suggest a book, for someone to read, what would you pick?"

You looked up from your book. "Uh, Romeo and Juliet?" You asked. "I do like that book, but career worthy!" Your Friend Kiki said.

"Uh, a book about animals..." You Said bluntly. "You say 'Uh' A lot don't you?" Kiki said. "No.." You Said going back to read your book.

"Actually... I haven't read Romeo and Juliet... What's it about?" Kiki asked. "It's about a man named Romeo and a girl named Juliet, they fell in love, but couldn't be together, their parents hated each other. Juliet took a sleeping pill, so her parents thought she was dead, she took the pill so she could run away with Romeo. But Romeo didn't get the message, so he killed himself, Juliet came back and killed herself to be with Romeo." You explained.

(I never read the book.. :-;)

"Depressing..." Kiki said. "I'm home!" "Welcome home Aphmau!" You shouted, reading your book. "What are you reading?" Aphmau asked. "Romeo and Juliet.." You Said. "Guys! I'm doing a play! And I need a Juliet!" Katelyn said coming half way down the stairs. "I know nothing about that book, So I'm out.." Aphmau said.

"(Y/N)?" Katelyn asked. "Yeah?" You asked. "Do you know anything about Romeo and Juliet?" You nodded. "Read the book more Twenty Times.." You Said.

"Okay, Zane said the auditions are tomorrow, to find your Romeo." Katelyn winked. "Good for me.." You Said. "Speaking of Romeo... Do you have a crush on anyone?" Kiki asked. You looked up from your book. ".....No." You said. "That took you to long too answer..." Katelyn said.

"Good for me.." You said. Katelyn looked at you. "She likes someone.. And I'm going to find out soon.."

Next Day ~~

It was the audition day. Garroth, Laurence, Dante, Travis, and Zane Where There.

"Okay, So (Y/N), Go onto the tower and be Juliet, Dante, You're First!"

After Dante--

"Alright, Laurence."

After Laurence--

"Okay, Garroth!"

After Garroth--

"Great, And Ugh....Zane.."

"Yeah, Thanks!" Zane said.

After Zane---

"Now I Know Who Definitely Won't Be Getting The Part... Since that's it-""Can I Try out?"

It was Aaron. "Sure, But You Can't Where That Mask." Katelyn said. Aaron hesitated but took it off, then a bunch of fangirls came.

After Aaron--

"That's Was Amazing! Aaron You Got The Part!""..Thanks.." Was all he said. You looked down at him, and he looked up at you, winked and smiled at you, making you blush Fifty shades of Red.

After a while of rehearsing lines, it was time to end it there for the day.
"..Hey (Y/N).." You turned around and saw Aaron. "Hey, Aaron! I never thought you would try out... You are pretty shy, most of the time.. No offense!" You Said nervously. Aaron chuckled.

"I didn't think so either.. But I do love the book..."

(I Don't Care If He Doesn't, He Does Here! ^,^)

"Really? I love the book too!" You Said, holding your script behind your back, for no reason.

(I Think I Have To Rewatch The Audition Video....Nah I'm Good)

"Really? That's Nice.." Aaron Said. "I'll See You Tomorrow, Alright? From There We Can Rehears Our Lines Again..." He Said. "Alright, See You Tomorrow!"

After That You Two Parted Ways And Went To Your Houses, The Only Thing That Was On Both Of Your Minds Was The Scene At The End...

"The Kiss..."


Yep! Okie Dokie, That's It For The First Part! I Can't Promise That Part 2, Will Be Up Today Or Tomorrow, Let's Just See If I Can Get Sleep Tonight!

So I Realized I'm Doing A Lot Of MyStreet One-Shots, I'm Fine Will It, But I Think The Next One Is Either Going To Be Phoinex Drop High or Normal Minecraft Diaries, But I'll Just Do Normal Minecraft Diaries, and By The Time Part 2 Is Up, I'll Already Be Working On Phoenix Drop High,

I Have An Idea On What To Do Next, I'm Thinking.... Hmmm.... I've Been Doing The Boys Lately.. I'll Mix It Up And Do A Female! Cause You Just Don't Know Who's Reading!

OH! BEFORE I FORGET! I'm Working On A Boyfriend Scenario...  I'm Working On It, But It's Slowly Making Progress Now... I Have A Schedule For What I'll Be Posting Each Week Day Or If I Can't Get Sleep Each Monday, Wednesday And Friday..

Monday - MyStreet One-Shot
Tuesday - Minecraft Diaries Oneshot
Wednesday - In Irenes Trust
Thursday - Minecraft Diaries/Phoinex Drop High One-Shot
Friday - Random

If I Can't Follow The Schedule, I'll Do Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, If I Can Then Every Week Day. If It's A Day Late Don't Worry! And If I Get The Scenario Out, Then Fridays Would Probably Be Boyfriend Scenario Or When Ever It's Done, I Can't Promise That EVERYTHING Would Be Done, It Would Probably Be Posted Around Midnight If It's Late, But That's Fine, It Would Still Count As The Day Was The Previous Hour..

Anyways Enough Will The Serious Talk!



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