-+The Lonely "Mermaid"+- Travis x Siren!Reader

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Oof, I thought about this randomly the other day and decided to actually post it today.
This takes place in MCD
Anyway, enjoy

My mom used to tell me this story about a lonely mermaid who always sat on this rock and stared at the moon.

"- the (H/C) mermaid glanced up to the bright moon casting it's light onto her. She couldn't help but feel lonely at the calm and quiet seas."

I never understood why she was always alone, why she never found other mermaids, or why she was always on the surface.

"Mom? Why is she alone?"

Even after all the times my curious young self asked, she replied with the same thing;

"Maybe she's waiting for the right mermaid, or person."

I never understood that either. Why a mermaid would wait for the "right person".

As I got older I read the chapter books about the mermaid, the biographies.. why so many people wrote a book about a mermaid named (Y/N) was beyond me.

Her story is quite depressing though, the story my mother told was different, almost as if she didn't want me to know the truth, like she threw the soft lies at me. The truth is.. almost fascinating.

Mermaids have been living for thousands of years and got along well with most humans, meif'wa's, who ever. They were generally friendly creatures. But something happened. A civil war happened between the merfolk and the humans just decided to jump into it. Any one who survived the war would've been dead by now. Some people said the ocean was red for a good while. That's why some people began calling it the Maris Sanguis.

Most of the survivers didn't have the chance to give more life. From here on out is where the story is blurry, some say two mermaids managed to have a child and that's the lonely mermaid. But in that one book I read, it said a demon helped this one mermaid and somehow they managed to conceive a child.

The baby however was completely different than his lover, but he loved her anyways. During the time of her recent birth, while your father wasn't in the area, some humans managed to find them. They killed the mother and before they were able to get the child, he showed up and took the child and ran. On his run, he put his child into a damp cave hidden behind a waterfall and told her; "I'll be back," He never did get far, somehow, her newborn state completely knows about her father's death.

Whoever killed her father looked upon the child and his lip flickered up in disgust, he picked up the creature and said; "this ain't no normal baby." His partner scoffed and turned around. "'s a girl. If anything, she's that demon's child." He looked back at her. She was completely different, yet similar.

Not many people know what happened afterwards, some people say that she killed them, others say the man who found her took her in and killed the partner, it would seem as the likely story since.. how was this story ever told? It's not like she-

His foot slipped once placed onto the rock and crashed into the puddle, banging his head in the process. He groaned and moved slightly. "Nice.. going Travis.." he grumbled to himself, moving his hand to the side of his head and checked for blood. "And I'm bleeding. Perfect." Travis moved his hand onto his knee and pushed himself up then dusted himself. He shivered at the contact of the cold air. Travis looked around his surroundings. He's never seen this waterfall before, and he's lived here all his life. Travis squinted slightly through all of the mist surrounding him.

Travis sighed softly and stepped back onto the rock. He began thinking back to the story. "What did she look like again..?" He mumbled to himself as he jumped onto rocks. "Light grey skin instead of (S/C)..."

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