-+It'll Only Be A Few Seconds...I Promise+- Travis x Zane

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This takes place in Mystreet.

Travis raised an eyebrow at the three in front of him. "Whaaaaat are you guys arguing about?" He asked and they all looked over at him. "Dante's being a chicken!" Garroth said loudly, and pointing at him. "What?! I'm not being a chicken!" Dante defended. "Wha-what?" He asked even more confused. "It's a dare Dante."

"Then why don't one of you​ do it?!" Dante shouted, Garroth and Laurance glanced at each other then looked back at Dante. "That's my brother." Garroth said. "We hate each other." Laurance bluntly said and Dante groaned loudly. "Can someone PLEASE tell me what's happening?!" Travis asked and Dante sighed. "We were playing truth or dare."

"Go on.." Travis mumbled crossing his arms. "And I got dared to kiss Zane." Travis blinked, then bursted into laughter. "Good luck with that! He doesn't let anyone touch him." Travis laughed, and the three guys looked at each other. "How do you know that..?" Travis stopped laughing and looked at them weirdly. "Have you not paid attention? He cringes when someone's a few feet away." Travis said making Laurance laugh a bit.

"Why don't you do it?" Dante asked and Travis looked at him like he was insane. "Excuse me? I don't swing that way. Besides, I don't think Zane is fond of me." Travis chuckled. "Zane isn't fond of anyone-""Except Aph." Travis cut in.

"Still, why don't you go kiss him?" Dante asked and I face-palmed, then sighed. "I'm not gonna do it."

"I'll pay you."

"...how much?"

"I didn't expect that response." Dante mumbled. "60." Garroth blurted and Dante's eyes widened. "60?!" Garroth nodded. "It'll be hard to get close to Zane, so it's best to do a good amount." Garroth told him and Dante gave a small nod. "True.."

"60..?" Travis asked a little upset. "Can't we make it a bit higher..?" He asked and Laurance glared at him. "Don't you think you're asking for too much?" Laurance asked and Travis shook his head. "This is Zane we're talking about, or would you like to go do it?"


"Okay, how's... 70?" Garroth asked and Travis shrugged. "And if there's no way of getting him to do it?" Dante shrugged. "You'll have to take us out to eat." Travis gave a long loud sigh.

"It's a lose/lose for me. I don't get him to kiss me and I have to use my own money, and I do get him to kiss me."

"You'll get money in return." Dante said and Travis sighed. "Still."

"So.." Dante started and Travis raised an eyebrow. Garroth and Laurance glanced between Dante and Travis. "Are ya gonna do it?" He asked. Travis looked at the floor.

"I have nothing better to do.." he sighed and the three looked at each other a bit surprised. "I wasn't expecting that." Laurance mumbled and Dante shook his head.

"Good luck to you." Dante said and Travis headed for the door. "If I'm not back by 8, it's save to say that I've been murdered!" He shouted and walked out of the house. He stuffed his hands in his sweater pocket and made his way to Zane's house.

"I can't believe I'm doing this.." he took his phone out and started to text Aphmau.

Trav: Heeeeeeey Aph

Aphmeow: Hi Travis!

Trav: I have a question..

Aphmeow: Shoot.

Trav: Where's Zane?

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