-+Consequence+- Dante x Reader

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I got this idea when I got to the end of the male Ivy one-shot, the one where the reader was walking the halls, it's gonna have the same place, but a different story.

This takes place in Phoenix Drop High,

Most people know Dante as the; 'Heart Breaker'. And Dante knows something about you that you don't want other people to know; you get broken easily.

And this is your mistake, you falling for a guy who dated two girls at once and went to hell for it.

You huffed and rapidly tapped your pencil. "U-uhm.. (Y-Y/N)?" Travis nervously asked. "What?" You answered and you crossed your leg-which started to shake in an angry manner. "W-what's wrong? You look upset.." He stammered a bit. "Dante, that's what's wrong."

"Ah, he stood you up again?" You shrugged. "I guess you can say that." Travis looked down and poked his fingers together a few times. "W-well, I'm sure Dante has a good explanation." He reassured you.

Such an innocent teenager.

You sighed again and hoped he does have a good explanation. Incase you didn't pick it up, you're Dante's girlfriend, and no one can say it's a pleasure.

Not too long ago, you found out that Dante was seeing another girl. When you found out you got upset and he kept telling you that it was a misunderstanding, and that he was helping her with something. You reluctantly got back together with him.

Now you're starting to regret that choice. Now you two are barely speaking to each other, nor seeing each other. You sighed and got up to go to your next class.

You aimlessly walked around the school not looking for anyone in particular, just wanted to think. You love sunsets. You loved how the sky would go from a light blue, to a slight green, then to orange, pink, and even a purple and red. You stopped walking and just stared outside.

You heard your phone go off and turned it on. You saw that you got a message and opened it to read it.



I think you might want to call me.

Because what I'm hearing right now isn't a good thing.

You're still dating Dante right?

If so then you should DEFINITELY call me now.

You raised an eyebrow and decided to call him. Once he picked up he told you to be quiet and just listen. You stayed quiet like he told you to do.

Unlike Laurance, Dante knows how easily your heart can break. But for some reason, he still does things that could break it.

Maybe he could even hear it crack and shatter into thousands of peices. He probably did hear it because he shifted. You don't like telling nor showing others how you feel. Inside you felt weird, not a good weird, a bad weird.

It felt like something was burning a tiny bit. It felt like there was a rope around your heart and it was getting tighter and tighter and pulling it in different directions. Your body was shaking a tiny bit, and your eyes started getting watery.

You knew deep down that this was happening, but didn't want to accept it, that he was actually doing something Important. You hanged up and felt weird. Before you knew it tears couldn't stop falling down your face.

With Lucy~

He sighed and walked into the classroom. Dante was with a girl that he didn't recognize. She had reddish brown hair and bright purple eyes. "L-Laurance!" Dante shouted nervously as he saw that Laurance entered the classroom they were in. "Wow... Cheating Dante?"

MineCraftDiaries One~ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon