-+He Would've Loved You+- Aaron x Reader

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Okay, so, this is not the 100th chapter. I deleted an author note to make this. The 100 chapter is honestly very big, and it'll take a while. I'm kinda worried that it'll be SO long that others will lose interest in that chapter.
Anyways, if you're sensitive to the 9/11 topic, read with caution, or don't read at all.
This takes place in Mystreet,
And for this story, It's something similar to 9/11, but it isn't actually 9/11. It's not in New York and it isn't with the Twin Towers, it's only similar, if that makes sense.

"Hey Mom..?"


"..what kind of person was my birth father..?" You hummed slightly, and looked over to your son. "He.. was a very kind man.." you told him. "What... What happened exactly?" He asked and you looked down and cupped your hands together.


~Sixteen Years Earlier~

"-and come home as soon as you can. I have a surprise for you." You said and Aaron nodded once more with a small laugh. "Yes, I know. How's... Five?" You gave him a look. "I'm just kidding. Although, I need to run to the store after work, so.. maybe five. Depends on how the traffic is and how everything is in the store." He added and grabbed his keys off of the small table by the door.

"Don't have too much fun."

"I'll try." Aaron responded and leaned over to kiss your cheek. "I'll see you later." You sighed after he closed the door. You walked into the kitchen and picked up your phone off of the island and dialed Aphmau's number. After a few rings, she picked up. "Hello..?" She groggily replies into the phone which made you laugh a bit. "Sorry to wake you, Aaron just left for work." You said, holding your phone in between your shoulder and your cheek.

"I'm gonna tell him tonight."

Her grogginess seemed to have disappeared in the matter of seconds. "Really?!" She replied excitedly and you hummed, then opened the fridge. "By the way.. what's today?" Aphmau asked and you hummed for a second.

"September 11th." You responded and she hummed. "Remember what happened a while back?" She asked and you hummed again. "Uhhh, with what happened in New York?" You asked and she nodded.

(Fun fact: I don't live far from New York. I live in Massachusetts. About a four hour drive.)

"Yeah." She quickly replied after knowing you couldn't see her nod. "What's the time?" She asked once again. "7:50..? 8?" You answered looking over to the clock on the wall. "8:04." You clarified and she sighed a bit. "Okay," you heard her bed creak. "You know what you're gonna name the kid?" She asked. "Wait, what's the gender?" She replied immediately after.

"It's a boy." You said and then hummed, after you set a plate down. "I was thinking... Maybe Damian? Or Dick.."

(Anyone know what those two are from? If so, I love you.)

"Hehe... Dick." Aphmau giggled and you laughed a bit. "Is it weird to have cake for breakfast?" You asked and she hummed. "I can't say so.. you're pregnant and all. wait.... Can I come over?" You laughed a bit. "Sure."

~Small Timeskip~

You and Aphmau sat on the couch watching TV and eating cake, seemed like a pretty calm morning. You took your phone out. "Who're you calling?" She asked, her mouth full of cake. "Aaron, I normally call him around this time." You responded and put your phone up to your ear after you finished dialing.


"Hey Aaron." You said and began to poke your food a bit. "Hi Aaron!" Aphmau said, still full of cake. "Is Aph there with you?" He asked and you hummed. "Yeah, she is. We're eating cake."

MineCraftDiaries One~ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora