-+What Are We?+- Zane x Reader Pt.1

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It's been a month since you guys have been at Love~Love paradise. It's been four months since that happened.

"I think it's fine, Kawaii~chan." You told her. Kawaii~chan burnt her cookies a bit. "B-but... Kawaii~chan burnt them!" She whined. You shook your head. "Kawaii~chan, they look great. They're fine." You reassured her.

"Kawaii~chan doesn't know if they taste good!" She whined again. You sighed, shaking your head. You grabbed one of her cookies and took a bit out of it. "Good as always, Kawaii~chan, I don't see why you're freaking out." You told her. She sighed in relief. "C-can.." You smiled slightly and gave her the rest of the cookie.

She finished it and smiled immediately. "It is the same!" She said happily, putting the cookie tray down. Aph and Aaron walked into the house, and you turned around to greet them. "Hey bro, soon to be sister-in-law."

You saw Aph blush a dark red and Aaron blush. You smirked at them. Everyone has their secrets; Zane likes to watch my little horsy-which isn't that much of a secret, Katelyn secretly liking Travis, Garroth an his hula lessons, and finally you. But your secret won't stay hidden for long, each month that passes the more your secret gets shown.

Aaron and Aphmau went to go do something but you don't remember what since you weren't really paying attention. "(Y/N)~chan?" Kawaii~chan asked. "Yeah?" You looked over to her. "Will (Y/N)~chan have any babies soon?" She asked you. You laughed. "I need a boyfriend for that Kawaii~chan." You told her. "Would Garroth~kun be a good boyfriend?" She asked you. "Uh, I-I don't know.."You stammered. "Can (Y/N)~chan keep a secret?"

Yes you can, you're currently keeping your secret. "Yeah sure. What's up?" She blushed. "K-kawaii~chan thinks Zane~kun is cute.." She blushed a deeper red.

....What? You looked away. You two aren't technically in a relationship, but he did get you...Nevermind. Maybe Kawaii~chan can get with Zane and you can get with Garroth? Things are just too weird now. I mean, you like Zane, right?

"Is something the matter
(Y/N)~chan?" Kawaii~chan asked you, breaking you out of your thoughts. "N-no! I'm just thinking-""About Garroth~Kun?!" She asked excitedly. Technically you kinda were. "Uhm. Sure?" She squealed. "A new ship!" She yelled and ran out off the house. "Well, that happened." Garroth said sitting next to you.

"Where'd you come from?" You asked him. "I was listening to the whole conversation. Kawaii~chan wants you to have a kid?" He asked you. "Yeah." You sighed. "Then you told her you need a boyfriend, and she brought up me, not my brother or Dante?" He repeated. "Doesn't he and Jenna have a thing?" He shrugged. "Eh, Dante would definitely take the chance to date you."

You laughed a bit. "Yeah, he would." Dante walked down the stairs. "Didn't he try to get you on a date in Highschool so many times?" Garroth laughed. "Yep." Dante blushed a dark red. "H-hey!" He called out, and you and Garroth laughed. "By the way, what's up with Zane?" He asked sitting next to Garroth. "What do you mean?" Garroth asked. "He seemed pretty mad." Dante said taking a bit from an apple. "So he's the same then?" Garroth giggled. Dante Laughed a bit. "No, way more than how he normally is."

"Hormones?" Garroth asked, making Dante slap him upside the head. "Ow!" He rubbed his head. Did he hear the conversation...? "I went to ask him what's up and he said 'Just leave me alone, go bother the stupid Blond and his girlfriend.' You two are dating?" Garroth shook his head. "No, Kawaii~chan..." You ignored what Garroth was saying since you already know the story, it's just the logical thing to do.

Dante looked at you. Down. Then to the stairs. Dante knows you the best, probably even more than your brother does. He can figure anything out about you in just one glance. "Aren't you pr-""Nah, no I'm not hungry at all." You growled at how loud Dante was talking. "Aren't you pregnant with Zane's kid..?" Dante whispered. "WHAT?!"

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