-+One Rainy Mid-November Day+- Garroth x Reader

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I read something-- more like skimmed through it since that's literally how I read fanfiction and shit, and I got this idea.
I didn't know how to continue Daniel's, so I just left it be for now.

This takes place in Phoenix Drop high season 1

You met Garroth around third grade, and ever since then you two were practically inseparable. Zane, Garroth's younger brother, used to tease the two of you, but then he became more and more of an introvert and never really spoke with him again.

You watched how Garroth aged throughout his years. He grew up to be rather sweet and sympathetic, not to mention he went from cute to fucking hot. His voice got lower and there's a new meaning to his chuckle. You almost can't even tell he was the same airheaded blond with a somewhat highish voice. But alas, with you, he is still a complete childish idiot.

Of course, knowing him since third grade, it wasn't hard to tell about his "two voices" you always found his normal one to be slightly better than the fake one. Sure, the one he makes up is pretty attractive, but something just draws you to his usual voice. You almost didn't understand why his voice was smoother in middle school, that is until he just randomly spoke to you in his normal tone.

Freshman year, Garroth decided to ask you to homecoming, you were slightly taken a back by his question until his face bursted into a bright pink and scrambled his words, finally saying; "N-not like that! I mean, just, ya know.. friends? Just like how we used to do in middle school." You agreed to it in the end.

Homecoming ended in you and Garroth ditching to go eat something and sit on his mother's car. Oddly enough, that night you paid attention to every little detail on his face. The way how his sea blue eyes slightly sparkled, or how his cheeks were tinted a pink whenever he laughed or smiled, how his faint dimples showed on his cheeks, the seldom times he licked his lips. That was the night you knew..

You loved this boy.

Soon enough, you and Garroth remet Laurance and it was almost the three of you. Almost. Garroth ended up spending a lot of his free time with him. For the next few days you always told yourself it's because he just wants to catch up. You lost hope after the third day.

(I changed months to weeks- I changed it to days.. because I don't think Garroth's the type to not talk to/ignore someone he's known his entire life for more than two months(dAYS))

Then one rainy mid November day, Garroth was standing at your door completely soaked and out of breath. He rambled on and on about how he was so sorry about not talking to you, that he felt weird around you and didn't understand it. He also thought that if he wasn't around you as much it'd go away, but it just kept eating him up inside, then he finally just blurted it out;

"I like you."

You blinked staring at his blue eyes that you loved so much. His eye twitched slightly when a piece of his damp hair moved and landed onto his eye. He moved one of his hands and just lightly brushed it away. "Wha- what?" He averted his eyes, his unsure look changing into a frown. He moved his arm once again and rubbed the back of his neck. "I guess the reason for all of this is.. that- uh, that I like you, like- like.. a lot?" He cringed ever so slightly at the silence from you, the only thing he can hear is the heavy dropping of the rain hitting the ground and houses, cars driving by lightly splashing the water.

"You- you make it seem like a bad thing.." you nervously chuckled and he dropped his hand, almost panicking. "No, that's not what I mean, I just-.. I was confused?" He sighed and shook his head. "You can just.. forget everything I said, I, um.. know you don't exactly feel the same." He ended with a slightly dry chuckle then turned away from you. "Wha- no, no that's not how I-" you unconsciously grabbed his arm making him turn towards you, staring at you with slightly widened eyes. You hastily let go of his arm and hugged yourself, moving your gaze away from him.

"I, uh.. like-.. like you too.."  you mumbled. He fully turned to face you. "Wait.. really?" You looked around for a second, then sheepishly nodded. Garroth blinked and the silence made your anxiety grow. The next few things happened a bit too fast for you to comprehend, at first you were standing in the rain, completely soaked and cold, and then the next minute there's a body against yours, pressing his lips against yours.

Okay, so, this originally was going to be angsty, but I honestly liked the story too much and I don't think Garroth would be the type to say he likes someone then proceeds to like someone else. I'll just made a ""second part"" to this with the original idea.



I appreciate your existence c:

I honestly almost don't want to do it, but then again, we need more Laurance and shit.

Actually, give me some requests plz and thanks

Since I changed the names of all of my drafts to memes, I couldn't find which one was which, it took me like.. a minute or so to find it lol.

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