-+Two Broken Pieces Make A Whole+- Zane x Reader x Travis ENDING

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In the previous part: Travis found out that Zane loves someone, but never found out who, Travis also told Aphmau that he needs to talk to you,

Now we left off with a cliffhanger, let's see how it goes, now, shall we?


"I'm going to end things with Katelyn.." He started.

"Because..." He said and you looked at him. He inhaled and exhaled. "I've realized a lot of things.." He added to it, looking off to the side. "That the more I do...This.. The more you become broken..And depressed.. I remember that night, somehow, I just knew that you were really upset. I honestly felt really bad.." Travis sighed taking only one step forward.

"At first, it only happened by accident because I apparently 'got drunk'." He said rubbing the back of his neck. "I didn't know why I was with Katelyn.. I thought that I loved her with everything, and that you were helping me.." Travis explained taking one more step before sitting on the floor.

He laughed a tiny bit. "Honestly.." He started to shake a bit. "I really....Really.... REALLY regret everything.. I regret everything that happened between me and Katelyn.. I really do.." His voice was cracking and it was shakey. He then looked down putting his face in his hands.

He let out a soft broken laugh. "I know you hate me... And even if I say sorry... It won't make up for what happened over the years..." He mumbled. "Even I can't forgive myself.." He said making his voice go a bit louder. "It's all my fault that you're this way.... I.... Broke you..."

You looked down at Travis, you then got up and sat in front of him. "Travis..."

"Don't Travis me!" Travis yelled a bit, looking up at you. Your (E/C) eyes widened a bit at Travis' face. His Emerald Green eyes were all puffy, and red. His nose was also red too. And now his silver hair looks more messed up.

"You can't forgive me.... Not after what happened... I want you to be happy... Be with someone that makes you happy...."

(This is where the story branchs, the rest of this story will either be Travis' ending, Zane's ending, or a secret ending)

Travis' ending-

You sat there shocked by what Travis is saying. "I don't want you to suffer anymore..! I don't want you to feel this way because.... Because of me..." Travis said, his voice going more shakey with each word he said.

"You're upset... You're depressed... I hate what I did to you..." Travis shamefully added and put his head in his hands. "I hate myself for doing this too you.." He added, then he lost it and started crying.

"Travis.." You mumbled.

And you found out that it was breaking Travis on what was going on. It broke his heart that you're depressesd because of him, he knew that you liked him, and decided to date you. He thought it wouldn't last long, but two years later, here you both are.

Your common sense told you to leave him, he caused you enough trouble and pain, but you know better. You know Travis better, you know how careless he is, how clumsy he can be, how he almost messes everything up.

You also know, that what happened, grew because of an accident, and that's when you did it.

Travis took some time to process what just happened. He was sitting up and now, he's knocked down on the floor. He looked at the weight on his chest and saw you there. You practically glomped him onto the floor.

He sat up a tiny bit, and you kept still. When he sat up your face moved from his chest to his stomach.

His red, puffy eyes were wide in shock. "You want me to be happy... Right?" You said and your voice came out as muffled. "Uh...Y...Yeah.." Travis mumbled, scared and nervous on what's about to be said.

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