-+Waving Through a Window+- Zane x Reader

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This was a request from a while ago,
I like this song. But the song I don't like is Only Us.
Anyways, this takes place in Phoenix Drop High.

Zane nervously pulled down the hem of his shirt.

"Is it weird to be the first person in history to break their arm from jerking off to much?" Zane felt his face burn up a bit and looked over seeing Travis with a somewhat smug look on his face.  "Or do you consider that a normal thing?"

"No, no, it's not what I- it's not what happened." Zane stuttered, looking around making sure no one heard him. "Paint in the picture," Travis started, taking a step closer to Zane. "You got (Y/N) (L/N)'s Instagram up on your weird off brand cell phone-""Shh! It's not what happened, obviously! I was just- I was climbing a tree- and.. and I fell." Travis raised an eyebrow and laughed a bit. "You FELL out of a tree?! What are you, like, an acorn?" Zane began to play with his fingers.

"Well, I don't know if you know this, but I worked the summer as an apprentice park ranger, at-um, Ellison's State Park, I'm sort of a "Tree Expert" no-not to brag!" Zane cleared his throat as Travis listened. "An-anyway, I was climbing this forty-foot oak tree-""And then you fell?" Travis cut in, making Zane look over. "I-it's a funny story though, because there was a solid ten minutes after I fell, and I just laid there-um- on the ground waiting for someone to come get me, "any second now". I-I was saying to myself "Any second now, they're gonna come"."

Travis raised an eyebrow. "Did they?" He asked. "No, nobody came, that's what's-um.. that's what's funny." Zane looked over to Travis. "Jesus Christ.." he gave a small laugh. "How was- what did you-.." Zane cleared his throat and looked down. "Have a good summer?"

"Well, my bunk(?) dominated in capture the flag, and I got to second base below the problem with this Israel going to be in the army."

(I couldn't hear him, sorry)

"Yeah." Travis shrugged. "If any of that.. answers your questions." Zane dug into his pocket as Travis began to walk away. "Do- do you want to sign my cast?" He asked, pulling a black sharpie out, making Travis stop. "Why are you asking me?" He asked. "Well I just- I thought.. we're friends so-"

"We're Family friends." Travis said walking up to Zane. "That's like, a whole different thing and you know it." Travis said and put his arm on his shoulder. "Hey, tell your mom to tell my mom that I was nice to you, unless my parents won't pay for my car insurance." He slapped his arm and Zane walked past him a bit and began to put the sharpie in his pocket.

"Oh, hey Gene! Liking the new hair length. Very.. school shooter chic." Travis said, making Zane look ahead. Seeing the deadpan look Travis was getting he added on. "I was just.. kidding. It was a joke." He said.

"Yeah I know, it was funny, I'm laughing can't you tell?" Travis didn't answer, and Gene took a step forward. "Am I not laughing hard enough for you?" He asked, his voice getting louder, and Travis gave a small laugh. "You're such a freak." He said and walked the other way. Zane gave a nervous laugh, getting Gene's attention. "What the fuck you laughing at?" Zane looked over at him. "What..?"

"Stop fucking laughing at me!" He yelled, making Zane take a small step back. "You think I'm a freak?!" He yelled walking towards Zane. "N-no, no I was just-"

"I'm not the freak!"

"But I wasn't-"

"You're the fucking freak!" Gene shoved Zane and stormed passed him.

Zane looked at his knees, and pursed his lips together. "I've learned to slam on the break, before I even turn the key." Zane reached over for his bag strap, only for it to be kicked away by a passing student. "Before I make the mistake," Zane put his hand on his knee and stood up and walked after his bag. "Before I lead with the worst of me." Zane picked up his pass a bit, only for him to trip over his own feet, making some people look at him weirdly.

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