-+Can't Hold It In+- Daniel x Reader

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I honestly don't know what else to do. So.. I guess here's this?
It takes place in.. Phoenix Drop high season 2- Graduation Days.

"Don't worry Daniel, you'll be fine without me." Aphmau said and Daniel looked down. "Right, (Y/N)?" You nodded.

"See? Even (Y/N) thinks so." Aphmau gave him a heartfelt smile, and he glanced away. "Maybe next year you'll go to the same college." Aphmau said and rubbed the back of her head. "Maybe." Daniel responded with. "Oh, before I forget, we're having a party on Saturday at the karaoke bar. Try and make it, okay?" Daniel nodded and Aphmau grinned. "Great! See you around Daniel!" She waved and gave a small gesture for you to follow her.

You looked at Daniel who only gave a sad look. "See you around, Daniel.." you quietly said, and he glanced down. "Yeah..."

When he looked back up he watched as you caught up to Aphmau.

"Daniel, when are you gonna tell her?" Daniel only sighed and gave a small shrug. "I don't know, Dottie.." her eyes saddened a bit. "You know the party is not just to congratulate everyone.. it's also for her too," he nodded.

"You have a deadline." Daniel bit his lip slightly, and looked at her. "Come on, let's go get something to eat. Blaze, Rylan and June are already there." Daniel have a hesitant nod, and followed.

(So, let's say that this was on a Tuesday, the graduation I mean)


"Hey (Y/N), should I wear this?" Aphmau said holding up a white dress to her body. "Does it look good?" She asked. You looked over to her. "No." Aphmau pouted a bit, then laughed. "I'm happy that you're honest." She said, putting the dress back.

"How about black?" You shrugged. "Try it on," she nodded and took the dress off the rack.

"Oh, hey (Y/N)." You turned around and saw Dottie and June. "Hey, what's up?" Dottie gave a small shrug. "We're trying to go on a triple date, but Daniel doesn't have a date." You gave a hesitant nod. "And how did you two end up here?"

"I wanted to see if they had a purse that I want." June said and you nodded. "Okay! I'm done!" You turned around and Aphmau came out. "Well- oh, hi Dottie, hi June!" She greeted and you hummed. "Looks good." Aphmau smiled and walked back to the dressing room. "I see you're with your sister.."

"Yeah.. she only wanted me to come with so she can pick out something." You said and the girls nodded. "Why don't you be Daniel's.. friend date?" June suggested. "'friend date'?" Dottie nodded excitedly. "Yeah! You can be his date, but as a friend!" You hummed, and the girls looked at you excitedly.

Aphmau came out of the dressing room and walked over to you while on the phone. "Yep, bye." When Aphmau hung up, she looked up with a sigh. "Mom wants us to come home, she wants to talk about some things." You nodded, and looked back at the other two. "Rain check?" June nodded, and you and Aphmau walked out of the store, after Aphmau put the dress back.

Wednesday Night-

Aphmau sighed closing the bedroom door behind her. "To think that Mom wants to talk about no dating on campus." You gave a small shrug. "No promises for me." You said and Aphmau gasped. "No way!" You have a small laugh. "She can't control us forever. Besides, it's our choice if we want to date someone. She wants grandkids right? She can't get any unless she 'allows' us to date."

Aphmau fell back onto her bed. "How's you and Daniel?" She asked, staring you at the ceiling. "How's you and Aaron?" You asked, and watched as her face turned red. "SHUT UP!" She yelled and threw a pillow at you, which you caught.

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